
I've biked in Portland, there will definitely be groups of people walking five abreast up and down this path(even if they are just tourists or new arrivals in the city). There should be some way to separate bicyclists and pedestrians, but still allow dismounted bicyclists to move into the pedestrian path.

rolled his 1990 Pathfinder

I mean, that's not that far off. The current Fiesta shares its platform with the current Mazda2.

Outside of the US, yes. Inside the US both V signs, inwards and outwards are interpreted as the "peace" sign.

One thing that you don't see in any post-apocalyptic show is that gas and diesel is stable for only so long... So I would probably drive something that can burn alcohol or bio-diesel.

Modern defensive armor on tanks and other armored vehicles includes pads that explode outward, destroying or damaging incoming rocket propelled grenades. So yes defensive explosions do exist.

Now playing

Judging by some of the videos that I have seen from inside of the chase vehicles it's looks like the stall speed is around 110 MPH.

I don't understand this "it's too expensive" argument, it's like the arguments against preparing for climate change. If California runs out of water and their economy implodes and people die that's probably going to be more expensive than a few desalination plants.

VW corporate parts-bin you say... sooo... handle bars off a Ducati?

Hiller YH-32 Hornet from 1950

What probably going on is that the developers are pulling the list from maybe a DOT server of every car make sold in the US, though this would not explain car companies that stopped making cars before these things were centrally tracked. Or maybe some crazy gearhead on Git has published an open source library of car

I did, and accidental collateral civilian losses in a war zone will end with quite a few executions of military personnel according to your logic.

I mean, if you think about it that's a smart move... Why pay for R&D when you can get the tech by other means. Just ask Wernher von Braun.

"A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room

Don't worry Starbuck, the church on the other side of the street houses the operational Vipers...

I think it's because Disney and Pixar still have separate teams.

Thank god! Just because I watch Jim Sterling and Ashens videos does not mean that I am interested in PewDiePie or those billion ADHD infused minecraft videos.

bob's your uncle

B6 Passat headlights and Mercedes M-Class cabin air inlets.

Why do I have to feel guilty for wanting to normalize a broader representation of non-hederosexual male perspectives in our media? I think it takes a lot of self-respect for a guy to acknowledge that the world does not have to revolve around him and others like him.