
Nope, just suggesting that we could have a plurality of perspectives in our media. Though if you want to go all internet commenter over exaggeration I could also be saying that for a few thousand years everyone made everything to explicitly cater towards white hederosexual men. So if we were to TOTALLY misunderstand

Yeah, we(men) already have 2 of the "guy" movies. Men should not feel threatened by 1 movie that will contain a non-male perspective.

Does Apple even know what the MacBook is anymore? They had a good and easily understandable system going with travel(MacBook Air) - normal(MacBook) - power(MacBook Pro) setup. The trouble started when specs / look and feel of the MacBook started to overlap with the Pro when the MacBook moved from a plastic to an

I take it you have never worked in marketing. People really don't lookup or Google words or phrases that they are unsure about, it's all about the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I've never really understood the mentality.

It's funny how the Up! in terms of intended purpose is more inline with the original Beetle while the new Beetle is nothing more than a fashion accessory.

There is precedent as the original VW Concept One was built on the Polo platform.

Speaking as a white hederosexual man when will we fucking understand that 99% of everything that has ever been made has been made explicitly catering towards white hederosexual men. We don't deserve anything and our world will not come crumbling down if next year 98% of everything made explicitly caters towards white

Uhhg. Would love to know how much this cost the american taxpayers, coming out of the def budget.

And no it isn't. People just buy a PC, buy some apps, and run them. Android's like that, too. Linux is more of an apt-get/yum this and man that.

inventor of the internet

See how we only see the back on the baby? They probably have the baby's eye and nose protected, not the same for the dog.

See how we only see the back on the baby? They probably have the baby's eye and nose protected, not the same for the dog.

It's not that the dog is covered in honey, it's that the dog's eyes, nose and ears are covered in what is basically a bacteria growth medium.

Ok, I know that they probably photoshopped the photo to add the honey glazed look to the dogs face. But if they did not and they actually slathered the dog's face with honey including its eye THAT is animal cruelty. Honey on the dog's body? maybe ok, but honey in its eyes, nose and ears, no. The big difference between

Well... sort of... Yes, in WWI and WWII they found that the vast majority of soldiers never hit anything (for a variety of reason, one being that the vast majority of people are averse to straight up killing another human, so they would shoot over the enemys head, suppressing them). So after the war the doctrine moved

IBM compatible hardware running Microsoft DOS/Windows = pc... so no.

So we won the air war over Korea in the 1950s because our superior jet fighters made up for the useless pilots flying them? Oh, wait! It was the exact opposite, the Mig-15 was a superior plane to the F-86 and we still won the air war because our pilots were so highly trained compared to their North Korean, Chinese and

And because in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico did not technically cede Nevada to the US we actually nuked Mexico in 1945.

There, there - go get your Starbucks, go to Whole Foods for your free-range chicken salad sandwich for dinner, and settle down for a nice evening watching MSNBC.....

Yes, but the limited situational awareness did increase the soldiers feelings that they were seen as no different than mass produced artillery shell by their army.