
Hey, at least today we trust each soldier enough to give them all maps of the battlefield. In the early years of WWI it was thought by the higher ups that if all the soldiers were issued maps they would just use them to run away from the frontlines rather than, you know... fight adequately.

Yes, they are all technically Personal Computers because none of them are large shared servers in an air conditioned basement somewhere. But just like the semantic drift of the word "drone" has moved from meaning a specific semi-autonomous aerial vehicle to meaning near anything that is unmanned and moves the semantic

That line is basically saying that unlike Apple every manufacturer and distributor of an Android phone can tweak and change the specific look, feel and capabilities of Android on that phone just like every manufacturer and distributor of a PC can add elements to the version of Windows running on the PC.

Isn't Android the Linux of the phone world because, you know... it's literally running Linux?

I have had two Nexus phone in the last few years (a Nexus 3 and then a 5) so it's always interesting to see others about with a Nexus seeing as they make up like 0.000001% of the phone market. I feel the same way about it as I felt as a Mac user in the 90s or how my dad felt as a SAAB owner in the 80s.

F-14 Tomcats

My god, I remember doing my very first bit of coding as a kid opening up my Driver save file and changing the values that got me past that mission.

It's not as bad as the late 1990s Toyota Camry and Honda Accord, the Armageddon/Deep Impact of cars.

Haha, I guess all midsize cars from the mid 1980s look the same to me. It's a Toyota Camry.

The light olive green one above it. Yes, judging by the third window the white one is a Sierra which was sold in the US as a Merkur.

It's hard to tell, is this a Saab or a Ford Escort?

The Citroen DS, the car of the future for 60 years and counting.

"hey she took her glasses off now she's hot!"

It's interesting that both Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour and Homeworld 2 came out at about the same time (~2004), but to look back and compare them now it would be like comparing Citizen Kane or 12 Angry Men to the last Transformers movie. The whole franchise has really held up.

I hope they add mod support soon. IIRC the HW2 close support mod and the mod that added depletable fuel and life support to ships added a whole new level of reality to the game. I also would not mind seeing the Battlestar Galactica total conversion mod again.

In my Mazda I don't need two screens telling me Goodbye when leave the car.

The face of a future US congressman...

If only they would have given him a gun...