
What I find most interesting about this is the movement away from a focus on megapixel quality in this market. Canon and Nikon are duking it out attempting to provide people with 20, 24, 26 megapixel cameras and lo and behold people are perfectly happily snapping shots with their phone's front facing 1 to 3 megapixel

I am looking forward to the eventual backlash against the trend of designers putting all of the lines ever generated by man into a single space.


Car companies like VW and Jaguar are so large now that the teams within the companies are able to offer the same sort of specialization that individual companies used to offer just under the umbrella of a huge generalist global juggernaut. An example would be: BMW is now so large that they can put an entire car

Every CFO on the planet will now laugh at my naiveté, but would it really be impossible for a company like BMW to make 500,000 cars a year, cars it wanted to produce and which squared with the brand image it has carefully cultivated for decades, and still make good money? I can't see why it would be impossible.

I thought for CAFE reasons they classified the PT Cruiser as a light truck.

It's sad that this gas engine of the future was installed in a car made by a manufacturer that will never see that future.

The only problem for the Russian space program will be the brain drain caused by the country's back slide into totalitarianism. Also one of the reasons that the US manned program is moving so slow right now is because there is an extreme focus on safety after Challenger and Columbia. This being said historically the

Russia may claim the Zarya Module when they break off of the station but technically NASA did buy it from Russia in the early 1990s when the post-Soviet Russian space program was completely broke.

Wow, so the Abrams is essentially just a mil-spec Chrysler Turbine Car?

"Sir, what weapons and sensor systems should we include in the new Cobra?"

I feel like Ridley Scott would be proud of this.

50 shades of Porsche... That little 911 face as seen some shit...

The scallops story: Seriously why are people so afraid to unexpectedly try new and odd things. Unless you're allergic, just roll with your mistake in understanding what a scallop is (I dim wittingly had to jump to google myself and look up what a scallop is [I am from the midwest]) and write it off as an interesting

I'd love it if we could ask people in the Middle Ages how well that understanding of medicine worked out for them (don't look for a wise old elder, though: they were all dead by age 32).

Where do these people come from? Were they all cryogenically frozen years ago before jalopnik and gawker started branching out and are just now starting to be thawed? Foxtrot Alpha has been around awhile now and jalopnik proper has had non-car articles on it since I started reading the site back in 2007.