
Jason Torchinsky was a widower who lived with his — in his words — "colored nurse" named Prescott. Prescott was awesome and always super nice — he would have an Arnold palmer, the free shrimp cocktail club members received, a fried shrimp and fish platter, and a slice of pecan pie. Always. If you ever asked her what

Why do they always paint these demonstrators to look like motorhomes? I know it's to make empty sections and slabsides look more dynamic, but this thing hovers, flies, and fires rockets, it's dynamic enough.

"What is a week-end?"

I wanna meet the couple (and it has to be a couple) who share such an obsession with coffee that they need to drop two grand on a NASA-designed espresso spaceship

Good point, I thought that the differences in labor relations would be too different between Germany and the US for somthing like that to work. There is a big cultural difference between the US and Germany though, in the US unions were created to counter the exploitative effects of big capital while it seems like

Hey, at least it's not an Audi R8 or a Lexus LFA painted to look like an American fighter plane. The meta-contextual cognitive dissonance could have been much stronger. 7/10 Troll tolls.

I wonder if VAG could get IG Metall to open up membership to their US workers, thus streamlining the already existing VW autoworker relationship?

Now playing

As I suspected, like with many Parisian set movies this one too sounds better overdubbed with a mid 1960s Ferrari.

I always thought it was Hussein.

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Hell, if you have an LED light bulb in your house it has more computing power than Shepard's whole spacecraft in 1971. Though this and and Shuttle computer monitor analogy is more apples to oranges because of the computing power constraints of 99% reliability and radiation hardening.

For radiation shielding you need a lot of lead, or the the same weight in water. So it's great that they put the beach(and presumably a body of water) right above the nuclear pusher plate. Recreation and radiation shielding, just don't swim too deep!

A rear-view astronomy deck would be hard with the Orion nuclear pulse drive and all. You would need some heavy-duty sunscreen to go star gazing there, though I guess they could evacuate it during the blasts/retract it into the hull.

So many memories playing this on my dad's PowerMac 8500, shooting down Saddam's Kamov Ka-50s. I still remember the weird shopping cart crashing into a cardboard box mixed with a paper guillotine sound made when you accidentally flew your Comanche into a mountain.

The Expendables 4: LifeLock and Load

What CGI are you talking about?

If they had bumped up the contrast quite a bit more on Arny they would have been able to get closer to the original shot. Wow though, the CGI looks worse than in a current generation video game. I hope that this is just a quick low-quality version made to get the trailer out in time.

Thats a modern Fiat 500. When is this scene set? If its 1984 how'd they send it back in time? Is future Fiat-Chrysler a subsidiary of Cyberdyne?

Also it's kind of fun to watch this movie set up everything leading to the original <cultural property>, that's neat...

Awesome! It looks like they are bringing back the old 3 ring design that they had to drop from T2, but ended up being used as the Space-Jesus-Dad-Hallucination machine in Contact.