
1) All of the US airlines that I have flown on only ask for devices to be turned off or put in airplane mode during takeoff and landing.

and the second generation Toyota Yaris apparently...

Thanks, its good to know that the ReBORN bowtie is part of a larger branded campaign and not just some out of place one-off in an ad. That makes the bowtie a little less awkward. However for the people who may not have recognized it as a bowtie(it is very minimalistic) it would have been a nice touch to have Hugh in

Why is the little "ReBORN" logo a bowtie when Hugh is wearing a traditional tie in the executive presentation? Is the whole bowtie trend so twee that it can transcend both spacetime and inner-commercial attire cohesion?

I'll just wait until they make the robo-cheetah run on RTGs and the brains of stray dogs before heading over to a local enclave to claim my complimentary citizenship.

Yup, 122 vs 96 launch cells. Though rather than a measure of pure ship size that smaller number of launch cells might be connected to the Navys move away from "pray and spray" tactics, because the much larger Zumwalt class is only armed with 80 launch cells.

Who knows how many thousands of people died in european colonies because of the switch to export monocultures during the pre-war transition to New Imperialism.

At Least 100,000 civilians were killed in the 1898-1900 Boxer Rebellion, though many of them were probably killed before the 1901 Boxer Protocol that ended it.

Getting a little off topic... I find it interesting that these ships are classed as destroyers. Looking at the ship class that preceded the Spruance, the Charles F. Adams class ships had a displacement of ~4,000 tons while the Spruance class ships displace 8,000 tons. The newer Flight 3 Arleigh Burke class destroyers

Here is an interesting read over on TTAC. Evidently a lot of the unsold and used Hummers ended up in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Ultimate driving machine...

Any car that is designed to look like it is RWD, but is built on a FWD platform.

The same thing happened to me, fortunately my dog is also a pitbull mix so she was able to hold her own until I wrangled the stray pit off of her. I went straight to calling the police(it was late and we don't have 24hr animal control in my city) to get the dog picked up. Suffice it to say I now walk my dog with a can

What about the revolting special effect that started it all in 1928?

Wait, Neil Degrasse Tyson is a national treasure...

Interesting enough after rewatching the original movie and looking into it a bit more it turns out that the dinosaurs in the movie only have about 20 mins of screen time and out of that only about 6 mins is CGI. It just seems like the original movie had more CGI because the CGI back then was so much better thought out

Maybe they will have more dinosaurs actually from the Jurassic period rather than the mostly Cretaceous period dinosaurs the had in the other movies?

In the original JP the dinosaurs were only on screen for about 20 minutes and only like 6 minutes of that was CGI, everything else was amazing Stan Winston animatronics. I think the quality of this movie will be inversely proportional to the about of screen time the dinosaurs will have. The closer the movie gets back

It could be the spliced in amphibian DNA, but they also just as easily retconned in the feathers or quickly explained the now feathered dinos as the byproduct of a more advanced(20 years of R&D past ~1993) and thus more faithful cloning process.