Max Headspace

I couldn’t tell you my neighbor’s name either.

Chris Matthews: I bet you can’t name one foreign leader you admire.

It’s more that I like watching a few people throw fits on the internet, and you’re delivering.

i get that Kevin Johnson is kinda a dick, but why are the words “self-defense” or “in retaliation to” not anywhere in this piece? it wasn’t an unprovoked, random attack.

Obviously you don’t follow Darren Rovell.

Fallon’s an entertainer, not a journalist.

Criticize Deadspin? You must be a Trump voter!

I never implied Davo’s comments had different connotations depending on where they were given. I just pointed out that the author made a mistake whilst speaking as the voice of the just and enlightened from his high horse.

Why are you assuming I hate the story or dont respect the writer? Its ironic to tell someone how wrong they are and fuck up yourself because you couldn’t take 5 seconds to find the source material. Keep sucking the deadspin cock tho, it’s gotten you ungreyed and now the sky’s the limit!

Wait you mean you were so eager to tell everyone how wrong someone who disagrees with you was, you didn’t get the basics of the story first? 2016 “journalism” in a nut shell.

Oh, the perils of being an SEC footbaw coach!


If by “not making mistakes” you mean

I’m totally cool lying to a foreign government, especially a corrupt one. His allegiance is to the stars and bars, not crooked ass Brazil. But, man, if it’s true he did it to keep his chick from finding out, that’s a bad look. There are levels of chick you obstruct justice over. Kate Upton, Emily Ratajkowski, Betty

Ryan Lochte and his swimming team buddies being douchebags doesn’t change the fact that Brazil is one corrupt-as-fuck country with a corrupt-as-fuck police force, which is why everyone was willing to buy the original story in the first place.

A bronzed god with silver hair issues forth a golden shower.

I understand your concern but don’t know why you’re implicating me in all this.

You aren’t very familiar with the facts for being so sure. Just sayin.

Personal theory: homeboy told his mom the robbery story because he was supposed to call her but he stayed out all night getting high at France House or whatever. Then his mom tells the hometown paper. Then the AP picks it up. Then suddenly you've got a full fledged sitcom scenario on your hands.

That will be difficult if the prostitutes are as virulent as the water.