Max Headspace

But, you’re Canadian. The top half of your head is not connected to the bottom half. So, you lose. I’m not your friend, buddy.

Something something something Me Myself and I

It is truly amazing how many dumpster fires of franchises there are in this league. For the biggest sport in the country (by a mile), it’s amazing to see it held together by duct tape and string - from the top to the bottom.

There’s nothing epic about it. I understand hate but this is just trying way too hard.

Just because he’s a huge idiot with apparent impulse control issues doesn’t make it in any way ok to simply ban someone from the only career they’re good at because they recreationally use an utterly harmless substance like literally half the players in the league. “Haha you were dumb enough to get caught so screw

Short, sweet, and to the hollow point. +1

“What happened to this society,” Payton asked, slowly shaking his head. “It’s all guns, guns, guns now, when all this stuff could easily be handled by implementing a system of bounties.”

Who Gat

This deserves more love.

Guy can’t even draft a letter.

(hell, in college I did write something like this document, though it was about relationships and addressed to a once-and-future girlfriend, and it wasn’y 13 pages but it was two pages of single spaced small text, accompanied with a mix CD where the first letter of every song title was an acrostic that spelled her

Point of information: Hinkie himself is a big fan of repeating things he heard someone say.

Followed by, “New phone, who dis?”

Just finishing skimming this. Oof. On the one hand, his reliance on reference and quotation and business-speaky just-so stories is a tic I’m primed to find obnoxious. I also think you can plausibly figure he wrote it under the assumption (or intention) that it would be made public, and therefore did so with the intent

Dude is certifiable.

I’m only about four pages in, and it seems he’s doing nothing but quoting business leaders. It’s like Darren Rovell wrote an erotic novel.

Thats a fully logical, sensible explanation from a boxing perspective of why Broner is not in a class to be able to challenge Mayweather. But if Mayweather is such royalty and would never concern himself with a fighter like Broner, then what is he doing goin out his way to talk shit and name-call Broner? That is far

Okay, I will accept that explanation, however...if two guys are fighters, and one guy (Mayweather) says a bunch of denigrating shit about the other guy, and the other guy’s response is basically, “Why don’t you get in a ring and fight it out with me?”....that does not seem like an unreasonable exchange to me. What

I only pay the most basic attention to boxing, so this is a sincere question: Why is Broner a laughingstock to call out Mayweather for a fight like that? I understand Mayweather is “retired,” but boxing retirements are notoriously temporary, and it’s not unthinkable that Mayweather would fight again, is it? And it’s