
Pretty sure it was his WAR that landed Thames in Korea too.

Producer: Good God!

To be fair, it was a very stupid question. Do you really think Donald Trump watches hockey after what happened to his favorite team 37 years ago?

It’s not surprising to find that none of the dishes include chocolate. It makes him throw up.

Perhaps he should create a brand of ties, or maybe some steaks? If all else fails, he can always fleece the education system with Brady University.

The heartbreaking tragedy of Aaron Hernandez, as far as Belichek is concerned, is that he didn’t get a compensatory draft pick for losing him.

Suzy Welch: Rob Gronkowski.

This happened to me once, back in high school, when I was asked at the last minute to step in for the group leader and give the presentation on our project. I ruined a shirt with enough sweat to drown a small dog, threw up in my mouth a couple of times, and acted like I had difficulty with basic concepts like

This was a really special team. They were sitting at 11 and goddamn 30 with no hope of a turnaround and every excuse to quit, in a league that has gotten to the point where tanking on one end and resting players on the other is encouraged. The NBA landscape is ripe for teams to give up individual games and entire

In hindsight, starting 11-30 wasn’t the greatest strategy but Spo always thinks out of the box.

This wasn’t even the most excruciating press conference in the past two days.

Full disclosure, I work in comedy (In Canada so on a WAY smaller scale), and comics can be the worst at keeping up with their peers. Mostly because we don’t want to be subconsciously influenced... But also because we’re self absorbed.

Fuck this ahole. Who beats a puppy? Fucking psychopath!

Since it’s only MTSU we’re talking about, I fully expect the NCAA to drop the death penalty hammer to show how serious they are about making sure it’s members maintain institutional control over their football programs.

It’s the Browns. This is like Schrödinger’s Draft Pick. Whoever they choose has a 50% chance of being a dead cat.

If history is any judge of future success, I think it’s fair to say the Cleveland Browns know exactly what they’re doing with their first round pick.

Why doesn’t the NBA mind the player-for-a-day thing when it comes to Derrick Rose?

The Lakers decided to win a few games in the hopes of increasing the odds of losing their pick, and thus reducing the odds of having to fucking deal with Lavar Ball for the next 5 years.