
A hockey player wouldn’t have cried.

The Campbell Newton is the best damn soup filled cookie that I’ve ever tasted.

All in all it’s just another brick by the Wall.

Someone on Twitter put it best: One day Cam is going to die on the field and he’ll get called for delay of game.

Headshot: let is slide
Toss football at a player: 15-yard penalty
Beat Up Wife: one game suspension
Marijuana For Pain: dead to us

“He thinks he’s really good at football just because he’s really good at football so fuck him”.

Not a Cam Newton fan by any stretch of the imagination, but sweet pogo hopping Christ. Fuck the NFL.

Barf Mitzvah

“In lieu of a commemorative statue, the San Antonio Spurs are happy to announce that Tim will simply stand outside the arena at all times, stoically contemplating the horizon.”

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Excellent list.

pretty huge oversight

“Obviously, I think there’s been a common denominator throughout the season of our offensive struggles. Certainly, not saying it’s me, but we need to sit down and we need to figure out what that common denominator is and continue to progress as an offense.”

Just like my gutsy call to take Prilosec after I found blood in my stool.

Actually it doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea to me. And after people go to a game, they can stop at Ice Town on the way home.

No stadium could contain that much grit. Just not possible.

Man imagine the cornfed blue collar football guys they will attract. No glory boys, just good players from good families who will really become students of the game. I say go for it.

You’ve really cracked the case open.

Wow, those guys have some problems on offense.

Sage would’ve made a very fine tribute from District 1.