not to Puerto Rico though.
not to Puerto Rico though.
I’d say that this is embarrassing for the United States, but frankly that ship has already sailed.
3 wins, 3 draws, 4 losses. Yeah, that goal was a phantom, but this team’s quality is a phantasm. We’re out on merit.
That injury never would have happened to him if he had been on a boat.
Take no joy in anyone getting hurt, especially a talent like OBJ. I love that guy.
Thankfully we can take unlimited glee in the phrase “the 0-5 New York Giants” instead
Fuck you, Eli.
Forget it, he’s rolling.
Perhaps two assholes who never spent a single day in uniform should stop talking for those of us who have.
Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.
I’m just waiting for them to start yelling “Heil Hitler!” at rallies so we can be justified in doling out the justice Nazis so badly deserve.
Thanks to all those conservative nut bags I can buy the artillery I need for that!
This is extremely upsetting and infuriating to watch. This is exactly, exactly how it all started back in the 1930s. Terrifying.
I’m not advocating for it because dragging his ass out of the oval office in cuffs is going to be so much more satisfying. If he dies they just blame everything on him and literally everyone else gets a pass. Mueller though, the investigation is going to turn over a lot of rocks. We just have to hang on and fight like…
I won’t even play the video above b/c my kids are here and I don’t want them to think this is normal or right. I could talk to them about it, but they are only 2 and 6 so I’m thinking, nope, not yet.
He forgot to wear his hood. This man is a white supremacist. This isn’t about alienating his base. He believes the same things as they do.
Remember that it was less than a decade ago that Republicans were comparing Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain. Today, the man they elected is quite literally defending and appeasing Nazis. And they will defend him. Fuck them all.
Not entirely certain how much more angry I can get
Even Fox News thinks Trump’s lost it.