Man, I was ready to run a car with a Trump sticker off the road tonight. I am getting SUPER salty.
Man, I was ready to run a car with a Trump sticker off the road tonight. I am getting SUPER salty.
Sounds like fun. My friends and I have always talked about fun it would be to all live in a cul-de-sac together.
I think they are asking more from the Celtics than other teams.
I would love to see Fox on the Celtics.
I love that intersection.
Agreed on all counts.
This is perfectly acceptable.
I have sat here chuckling over this for at least two minutes.
sweet mercy, land before time. We have at least 15 of them on Amazon on-demand, and my twins are obsessed. They get so weird.
We’ve noticed that boys clothes tend to last longer. A lot of the girls tops are noticeably thinner material. We have twin girls (2.5 yrs) and we basically let them pick their colors and styles which is how we noticed the difference (e.g., carters stuff), but they are currently going through an intense and prolonged…
Lakers trade up and give the Celtics like 5 firsts over 8 years.
This one feels apropos:
I lose the burner pwords as soon as I write them down, so I now have three separate accounts. I got a BSOD on my work computer the other day and lost an account/user name I had for years. {sad face}.
Here is my one comment.
Hm. That is totally what this article is about. So much discussion on killing white people, just a flood of it. Ps.. I am sorry that your life sucks and you need internet strangers to tell you that you are good enough, strong enough, and gosh darnit, people do like you, angermanagementman. Keep your chin up as the…
Everyone is such a fucking pussy now. I blame social media and too much internet. LIVE YOUR LIFE AND STOP READING ARTICLES ABOUT NONSENSE. (I am waiting for Prey to download, so I’m here strictly for entertainment value over both politcal ideologies seeing who can whine hardest and cry the most tears)
You, everywhere over this article you fucking obsessed maniac. Back away from the computer for a bit.
Cry your tears elsewhere you pussy. Grow some balls and shut the fuck up.
Stay strong snowflake. You can continue your personal war on free thinking along with POTUS elsewhere. You folks are always so quick to jump on the dreaded PC-culture, yet here you are whining about a picture like a bitch.
Huh? I thought CDM celebrating (eventually) keeping the French out of the Civil war. What does that have to do with the Statue of Liberty. If I am missing something, please educate me!