
Surely you mean the fourth pair of astronauts (11, 12, 14, and 15).to visit the Moon (it’s surface). They were the seventh crew to go (8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16).

Green Line in DC (WMATA). I saw a women cleaning her jewlery on the train, latex gloves, toothbrush, and some kind of solvent. She was just scrubbing away at a bracelet or something. It was... odd.

Between spelling ice floe correctly and a London Monarchs reference this is the greatest Jamboroo ever.

Despite all the ESNP 980 bashing, I do miss Drew co-hosting “The Sports Reporters” once a week.

Re flags at half-mast:

Most of the lunar pits are way too small to be seen in this image. None of the proposed missions to explore the lunar pits are anywhere near ready for launch, further funding sure, but not yet ready for primetime.

We actually know quite a bit about the polar regions of the Moon. The LRO spacecraft has been orbiting the Moon for 6+ years. There certainly are areas of permanent shadow near the poles, but the craters that are in permanent darkness are similar to other craters. The laser altimeter on LRO maps the shapes of the

That’s an excellent point about the ballpark design. That view makes for an excellent “See the flood of people leaving.” That said, I was at the game after the 7th the steps leading out of the seating area were full of rats fleeing the sinking ship.

+4.53 Ga

Apart from peer review of all NASA science?

“Put it on the list.”

As I was listening to that strangers story, I kept thinking that he was reciting a pitch Don would have used to sell ketchup.

This is the best thing to ever happen to a Colby alumni. How long before the honorary degree and position in their Culinary Arts program? Heck, he might become president now.

Does this mean you get to go to a Chilean music festival?

It's important to note that these views of the Moon are generated using the best topographic dataset for any planet, data generated by the LRO mission. It combines topography from the LOLA instrument and the LROC camera system.

Shaved or unshaved?

Did she hurt any of her 12 toes?

"Once you know the layout, it's hard to start over at some other store, because that doubles your shopping time. But she's right: Safeway blows."

Or Bates for that matter. It's never a good day to be a White Mule. #colbysucks

In 1991 the Yankees were playing Tampa? A prescient Francesa? Neither are likely.