
That’s an excellent point about the ballpark design. That view makes for an excellent “See the flood of people leaving.” That said, I was at the game after the 7th the steps leading out of the seating area were full of rats fleeing the sinking ship.

“Put it on the list.”

As I was listening to that strangers story, I kept thinking that he was reciting a pitch Don would have used to sell ketchup.

This is the best thing to ever happen to a Colby alumni. How long before the honorary degree and position in their Culinary Arts program? Heck, he might become president now.

Does this mean you get to go to a Chilean music festival?

Shaved or unshaved?

Did she hurt any of her 12 toes?

"Once you know the layout, it's hard to start over at some other store, because that doubles your shopping time. But she's right: Safeway blows."

Or Bates for that matter. It's never a good day to be a White Mule. #colbysucks

In 1991 the Yankees were playing Tampa? A prescient Francesa? Neither are likely.

My son used to love Caillou. That was before I started showing him 60's episodes of the Batman cartoon on youtube. Bye bye Calliou.

Not shown, DC's top earner. Marion Barry's Coke dealer.

This has never happened to anyone, ever. Anyone who has working legs and a functional brain learns to walk eventually.

"I myself wold like to coach one day, though I have no real qualifications for it."


"Get me Brian D. on the phone. NOW"

The Beagle team didn't make it in this year, guess I'll have to watch the Super Bowl instead.

Who wins the most from this? Lance Armstrong or someone else we don't care about?

It's the DC Sports Bog #corrections

"When I was 20 I was going to college at a very small campus in the middle of nowhere in Maine."