
This is appropos of nothing, but I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I'm working my ass off to try to make it to vacation tomorrow. Can we please have a hot men and puppies comment thread to start the day? Between the fact it is Monday, the DST hangover, the packing till 3 a.m., and the number of emails I have to return to

And then, one day after the club and sleeping into 11:30 thing is long behind you, you have a kid who can't tell time yet and doesn't understand how Mommy can magically decide that he needs to fucking get in the car and go to school even though the sun just came up and it is clearly still jammy time! And on one level



PEOPLE FACEBOOK IS PUBLIC AND PEOPLE CAN READ IT!!! If you wan't to be a horrible person do it at home like everyone else. stupid assholes.

I worked at a fairly large cadillac dealership in the service department. The service department consisted of a very long building with service stalls on both sides and the dispatch office (where I worked) was right in the middle. I was one of the very few females employed in this department. It was a fun job but

This isn't so much a "quitting" as it is a bridge burned. Consider it the best time I quit giving a fuck.

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.

That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a

OK I will send it in for review. I am not a Shade Court judge or jury member; merely a faithful court observer. Thank you.

The Oatmeal has it planned out correctly...

HA! I ordered the Cards Against Humanity's Ten Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa gifts for yours truly this year and it is full of win. I'm deep in finals week and not able to devote time to solve the super secret puzzle that is part of the gifts. But I have enjoyed opening my lonely mailbox during the past few weeks to

Jessica Williams is the best thing that's ever happened to the Daily Show.

I love the Satanic Temple, I really do. First the statue in Oklahoma and now this. Plus they have an awesome campaign to exempt women from intrusive transvaginal ultrasound, mandatory waiting periods, and BS pre-abortion counseling based on a religious exemption.

Young Living products are actually pretty nice. They're high quality and have some good formulations. But they're overpriced essential oils, not miracle drugs, and the reps are really hard-sell snake oil salespeople. Anna is clearly not well educated, in a tough situation, and I can see how they bamboozled her. That

Madeline, have I ever told you how pretty you are? Not that being pretty is the ultimate, of course, but it's like the little spiral tower of whipped cream on top of the smart, witty, and all-round delightful sundae that is you. You don't want to die on the moon at age 65, which is a sure sign of your intelligence

I'm pretty sure "breading" a cow is just a chicken-fried steak tbh.

Somehow, I have difficulty accepting the concept of fishing having tongues.

I am never sarcastic when it comes to Terry.

They're "independent" Baptists because they declared their family a church to avoid having to pay taxes.