
You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

Attention all news outlets:

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.

This is wildly off-topic now, but I just have to share.

You know what, stay.

I aim to misbehave.

You just know that he beat on it.

You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

If the package is late, contact a customer service rep and ask them to extend your Prime membership by one month.

Holy shitballs that is so cute. I honestly didn’t know they were so mushy and great!!!

didn’t know this much cute help

oh then lemme get my wand so i can shove it up his nose.

okay but this is legit fucking hilarious and now I’m going to put something in my obit like,

The other day, I saw her book in a bookstore and moved it back to the fiction section.

As someone who was a teenager girl, I can testify to this being accurate, and remaining accurate as an adult, it’s why it’s frustrating when games I wanna play rely on mics to be able to fully enjoy them, kinda feel left out because I’d rather really not use a mic for about a hundred different reasons.

and re-invents the dry sump.

This car is so sexy I want to text it awkwardly for a few days before driving around with it for like 30 minutes deciding on where to eat and then slowly lose communication with it after dinner until I see it again a few months later when it’s somehow engaged

“The Hannity of Roast Beef sandwiches”

This is a Ford Mustang GT.

I think we have enough of these now to do March Madness bracket. Please.