
I tried this once, not too long ago, and had the complete opposite experience. It was part of a debate over whether or not it's decent to respond to messages or just delete them – I held the position that even a copy/pasted "Thanks, but no thanks" was better than just ignoring someone who is committing the grave sin

Heh, man. To this day I can't believe a phone sex line was in a cartoon on Nickelodeon.

Seconding this. Of course, the character with a gun was bullshit, what a stupid boss that was.

I don't really like it. Honestly it feels too much like the current UI, just with a couple of new elements pasted in.

It really needs to be.

Mountain Dew – even the independently made knockoffs – gives me a headache, too much of it and I get really ill. All the time. It's not even the caffeine, but the yellow dye. Gets me every time.

I did a similar thing with Trevor in Grand Theft Auto 5. I don't think it's homophobic or transphobic, I just think it's a hilarious juxtaposition with his Macho Man Randy Savage moustache, giant ray-bans and trucker cap. I can't stop laughing when I send him around to do terrible things in that getup.

Post-game content: Actually murdering the simulator organizer and spend the rest of your days wondering whether or not to turn in your co-conspirator/whether he will turn you in to the police for a gigantic reward.

Now playing

I don't know why you WOULDN'T use this for a fight:

Well, it IS top secret. Put it on a map, everybody's gonna know about it.

So I got around to watching this, and I enjoyed it. But the big gaping hole in the story for me is something that the Hero brings up – why SHOULD she forgive the devil king for trying to destroy humanity in their world?

Video talk aside, "Stunt Gravy and the Action Bastards" is a great name for all kinds of creative endeavors.

Well, yeah. Which, y'know, whatever, but I do hope it results in rescuing Spider-Man from Sony. Because ugh.

Some kind of licensing magic happened with my download of Streets of Rage 2 on XBLA, that has resulted in me having to buy the game again if I ever want to play it again.

I noticed this too. Good for a laugh.

God, this GIF. I can't help but both love it and cringe every time I see it. It's funny but SO miserable!

Same here, I find the site's not working properly. I can't even sign up for updates or anything.

Was there ever any thought to plugging the translation into the PC version of Trails 1?

I think the reactions are pretty funny. I watched the other two she did and there's like a comic gasp after a particularly awful comment from a particularly horrifying message, and I at least got a good laugh out of it.