
Heh. I got some pretty good ones and I had to share.

Heh. I got that one too and thought "WELP"

So, Super Smash Kart Bros. Melee?

I'm with you, dude. I really have no desire for Nintendo Babies. (babiez?)


True story. PAL SNES is a beautiful machine. To this day I do not understand that weird purple color choice.

I thought X-2 was the one that opened with a stunning musical number.

Same thing's happened to me with Streets of Rage 2.

Google's got the ground covered, while Amazon takes to the air. Greaaat.

Can I jump in on this? I totally want to jump in on this. I think, even worse is being 50/50 Asian and something else, unless you win the genetic lottery and wind up looking just like, vaguely exotic but not enough that you can't blend in.

Well that's certainly a thing, no doubt, but my whole point is that these people, while arrogant and oblivious, usually aren't bad (and oblivious about it) enough to get fired. At least that's my experience.

MC Escher was pretty cool too.

Well that's certainly not an impossibility, but I think you'd have to be especially incompetent to be doing a terrible job, enough to get fired, and think that you are in a position to demand a raise. Generally if you are that bad at your job, you kinda know it on some level.

I think it's telling that employers report zero demotions or firings based on negotiations, but employees report that this absolutely happened. I'd be curious to know if there is any overlap between company and employee in this survey.


I just tried it. They line up perfectly, but it doesn't sound that cool.

That is hilarious. I didn't expect his teammate to join in and do the dizzy, let alone jump back from the uppercut. How fun.

Okay. So I spent over a week and answered every email. I don't think it was more than 40. As mentioned earlier, most messages I received were stupid, but not terribly offensive. Most rejections went un-replied to, and the replies I did get were mostly grateful for a response of *ANY* kind, only one or two guys got

This just makes my brain shut down. She is unreal in the best sense of the word.

Oh man what a twist ending!