
That little icons-floating-above-the-wallpaper bit works with all wallpapers btw, not just the default one. Just sayin'.

True that. A lot of these new icons look like placeholders for real icons. I get that they wanted to go for a plain, flat look, but I think they went a little too far.

tl;dr version: $.

12 was good, haters are probably meth addicts or something. 12 had its problems handed down from upper management, (read: Vaan, Penelo) but it was what you get when someone tried to make a traditional FF game from the ingredients of Final Fantasy Tactics (not advance, but original recipe) and even with its flaws,

Image: None that I found at this scene and circumstance

That was me and Disgaea. I got two "DOOOOOOD"s in and that was plenty enough for me.

Tank controls in RE2 and 3 didn't bother me so much because they had this little thing most people don't ever seem to mention, where it would kind of autoaim for you if there were monsters nearby. So if you drew your weapon, Leon or Claire would rotate to face whatever monster was in the room. If there wasn't one

Wimps, all of you. That's only level three.

Oh wow, I missed this issue. What was Ninja Gaiden 4 supposed to be like?

I was one of the most vehemently anti-Steam folks I know of, took me a year to get on board and still only reluctantly, because Half-Life 2 required it. Like, my Steam start date is literally two days after the HL2 release date – it is the only reason I signed up. Now my Steam account is worth nearly two grand with

Sometimes it's a good idea to review games using only emojis.

Ugh, treating this as big=sloppy is too bad. Some of those katsudons look pretty okay, but there's no way you could eat any of those without them getting even messier than they already are.

I have never played a (Mother) game to completion, and I have never even touched this game – but now I feel like I have to devour this one. That was hilarious.

Oh hey 12-year-old me, how's it going man? Listen, I just want to tell you while you're here, that while you might be bummed about it now, that crush you have on Katie Coon in pre-algebra is gonna be something you'll laugh about in about 10 years. Don't get mired down in the BS, btw, things get better.

I'm bummed about the lack of Yoko Kanno, I feel like her involvement in Watanabe's productions elevated them to particular heights, but I'm looking forward to checking this out anyway. I mean, Samurai Champloo was great and it didn't hurt for lacking her talents.

Aw, that's too bad. Watanabe + Kanno = Incredibleness, now I am a little wary.

Any suggestions on a speaker system where I can play from one audio source (PC) into multiple rooms via Wi-Fi? (No Bluetooth in my machine, so that's out)

I was thinking the same thing. Huh. Too bad it's not.

Glitchy as the release seems to have been, everything *else* about the game has me sorely tempted. It seems like something I'd like to fiddle around with.

I've heard a lot about Social Fixer that this comment got me to try it out. I don't know that it's doing anything I hadn't already done by grouping folks.