
Yep, I had premium for almost a year. I cancelled it. It’s really not worth it. I’m back to basic for the online and 3 monthly games. Callisto Protocol on PS basic is great for me since I never played it. The new Saints Row a month ago. These are games I was in no hurry to buy and it’s great I get to try them on

In other words, Sega has been working on a game behind the scenes that was costing them millions and it was a mess. It was supposed to be a fortnite killer. Now Sega cancelled it and they lost a lot of money. All these developers are so desperate to be like Fortnite to get the big money lol

They better add something good. No launch titles, barely any new retro games, PS3 streaming with lag. It’s not worth it.

Here’s Sam Barsanti the Debbie Downer of Star Wars to ruin it for you.

Sam Barsanti hates Disney Star Wars. He was predisposed to hate it before he even reviewed it. His opinions mean very little. He has a chip on his shoulder.

Season 2 of Ahsoka can begin with Baylon finding what he’s looking for and he unleashes some of sort of power that changes him. He comes out of his experience burned with scars and making him more powerful than ever. He has a new outfit and helmet. Thus making it easier to recast the actor.

Back to basics.

Nintendo has used in Mario game titles the words, World, Land, Galaxy, Odyssey. I would say next is Universe. Super Mario Bros. Universe, but Universe sounds too big. As if Nintendo is holding off using that word for a future Mario online title where players meet in a Mario Universe that connects all players from

It’s so obvious that Trump picked her for her looks. She’s a ditz lawyer.

Now playing

Roger Joseph Manning Jr is an artist that doesn’t get enough attention. But imo he produced some of the best music of the last ten years. For those that don’t know, he’s the former founder, guitarist and keyboardist for Jellyfish. He also played on some of the Beck albums and toured with him

I can’t tell what I’m looking at. Is that a real person? Game graphics. AI? A robot?

It’s obvious that Elon Musk is a right winger. I could never support this current Republican party. A party that bans what they don’t like, who push a religion on you. Who intrude on your life, like the government. A party that is chauvinistic and homophobic. A party who only values tradition and rich people and is

I could never support this current Republican party. A party that bans what they don’t like, who push a religion on you. Who intrude on your life, like the government. A party that is chauvinistic and homophobic. A party who only values tradition and rich people and is anti-progressive and anti-technology. A party

I could never support this current Republican party. A party that bans what they don’t like, who push a religion on you. Who intrude on your life, like the government. A party that is chauvinistic and homophobic. A party who only values tradition and rich people and is anti-progressive and anti-technology. A party

When the game is running and the graphics haven’t finished loading.

I’ve never even heard his voice. He’s just there growing into a giant and looking miserable.