
He can FUCK OFF!

I was kind of with Trevor since he was killing bad people. That is until he murdered that lady in college. That was coldblooded. He barged his way into their home. She was in the right. She didn’t deserve that. I hated Trevor from then on.

This article needs a followup.

Republicans are against the majority on almost everything.

Space battle, weaving and bobbing thru space whale bones. A chase while riding horse like rat creatures. Lightsaber battles. Getting to see Ezra fight and use the force. Fighting the local tribesmen and killing stormtroopers. Anakin hologram training Ahsoka. A touching moment where Ahsoka reunites with Ezra, but yes a

This show is so much fun! Each episode feels like a theatrical Star Wars film production! I’m loving it!

Why would Mar a Largo be worth a billion? lol! It was never refurnished throughout the decades. It looks like the 80's inside. It’s so tacky and outdated like Trump’s Dynasty TV series haircut.

Most of the voice acting is spot on until the very end of the trailer when Rick and Morty are speaking aboard the spaceship. At that point there’s something off about both their voices.

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For the young ones who are curious about the song used in the trailer.

We can no longer trust the decisions handed down by the Supreme court. Until these corrupt judges are removed, we will always question and protest their verdicts.

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Microsoft after they buy everyone. Sony trying to stop it.

That film out yet?

One of the reasons a film like Barbie gets nominated for best picture is because 10 movies are now nominated in the best picture category. They can afford to nominate movies that don’t fit their usual type of films. 

As someone who grew up in the 70's and 80's. This film captures what it looked and felt like at that time. I remember my parents dressing me up for school in the clothes of that time. The fashion was hideous at that time. Playing little league and dealing with bullies? It happened to me. Smashing mailboxes with a bat?

He didn’t bother me until he started doing right wing grifter videos. He only goes after Dems and ignores the obvious awful things GOP/MAGA are doing.

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The first three bosses seem kind of easy.

lol yeah. It was just something silly I thought of.

I’m playing Starfield and Lies of P thanks to Gamepass. So no it’s not time to get rid of my subscription. I buy from third party stores anyway. I buy Ultimate Gamepass for 26.99 for 3 months. Sometimes 6 months for 56.99. I just buy these codes every so often. Works out for me.