
Conan inadvertently predicted Danny Masterson’s fate over two decades ago.

He’s the male version of Ellen, not just because of the toxic work environment, but because he likes to play games, as in gameshows on his show and yes that later become spinoff gameshows that flop. Yeah, he’s one of those.

Another moron who aligned himself with Trump and lost everything.

How can articles from Sam Barsanti be so generic and dull?

Now playing

This bald dudes reaction to pronouns in Starfield is ridiculous. I didn’t even notice it or care when I made my player in Starfield. I just a made a male character and started the game. I’m loving it!

Why do you have to call me stupid? A lot of companies are now using AI to do voice acting. It was a fair speculation on my part. Why are you so bent out of shape over this anyway? You have issues. Karma will come for you soon. I put that curse on you.

I’m sure Leo didn’t mind lol

Every religion is a cult and don’t let anyone tell you different

Every religion is a cult and don’t let anyone tell you different

Republicans today seem like a dictatorship. You must do what they say or you’ll be arrested. The GOP love banning things.

Now playing

I’ve been catching up on a classic retro arcade games.

The updates always seem very subtle to me. There’s never a moment where you’re blown by the difference.

DeSantis the garbage of humanity!

AI being the future of voice acting will not age well? It’s already happening.

PS2 is still the greatest console after the SNES

It’s not the first time Nintendo has cut corners. Look at the design and low power specs of the Switch. It’s minimalist. Nintendo is like a cheap old man always trying to save a few bucks. You give them too much credit.