
Why? Is it crazy to think Nintendo would use AI? Many studios now are using AI for voice acting.

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Meanwhile I’m checking out other games. Like this hidden gem

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Maybe it’s just an over glorified Fallout in space? I mean It’s got all the Bethesda hallmarks that’s for sure.

I guess will see then.

If I’m right you heard it here first.

Because no voice actor was announced for Mario and the voice sounds exactly like Martinet’s voice as Mario. AI most likely took Martnet’s voice from all the games and learned it. Same way James Earl Jones signed his voice away to use AI for Vader. You ask why?, I say because it’s what studios are doing these days. You

What’s to complain about? Nintendo is always going to give us 2D and 3D Super Mario Bros games. It’s their thing. 

First impressions: This is the most colorful and vibrant looking 2D Super Mario Bros game yet. You can transform into elephants. This game is full of powerups. It has 4 player coop local and online. The game is not about rescuing Princess Peach. It’s the most Nintendo looking Nintendo game you’ll ever see. If that

Gotta be honest. Her face looks awful. Her head and face look too small and why is she always mean mugging? The classic outfit looks simple and generic too. I hope this isn’t the official new look for Lara Croft.

CD Keys, Eneba and G2A

I can’t afford these games. They’re like 70 bucks each, but with Gamepass I can play and enjoy them. You can’t do this with PS plus.

Too expensive, what with the cash involved and all.

If they don’t have launch titles it’s not worth it. Also their retro game selections are lame. Barely any PS1 or PS2 games and don’t get me started on the crappy PS3 streaming. It’s not worth it. Just get PS plus essential so you can pay to get online and get two free games a month. The only reason I sub to gamepass

There’s no local libraries around here. I’m not wearing bell bottoms. There is just google on your phone.

Third party retailers be sellin it cheap.

This is sad. We need term limits on age. Once you turn 65 or 70 it’s time to retire.

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I knew she needed a break when she sounded like a zipper

By all rights Trump should lose, but beware of white right wing judges saving him.

She’s talking her little son out for a walk. Yeah, he still dresses himself. It’s embarrassing.