Anyone who wears crocs should go right to jail.
Anyone who wears crocs should go right to jail.
PONG 2! This time it’s personal. Rated R
It’s Ron DeSantis. Same event he was booed at. It adds to the story. Isn’t that enough?
These are Sony Fanboys trying to bring down Microsoft’s biggest exclusive.
Exactly, these are Sony Fanboys trying to bring down Microsoft’s biggest exclusive.
Fans or Sony Fanboys who are loyal to Sony and are trying to bring down MS?
Well done! Boo all billionaires!
Yep, worshiping these trash people is no way to live your life.
Snake Eyes from GIJOE is that you?
Phew, I thought he was going to say, the game doesn’t really get going until your retirement age at 65 years old.
You’ll be sorry you little bitch! Hahaha!
Nah, but be my guest loser alpha pussy.