
Next up on Deadspin; let’s watch this Thai martial artist get face-kicked into last week!  Look at that fucker - he was out cold before he hit the ground!  Isn’t that fucking awesome!

not really a “debate”... just more interesting when I see people use it in a weird self-victimization for attention.

Everyone at work without TVs: Brasil/Costa Rica had a crazy match today I heard? It was a splendid affair? Last minute heroics? Crying and shit? Hmm wonder what those happy doofuses at deadspin think? Normally they are good for a quick recap and highlights. Anyone? Any....onnnnneeeee?

The pain, the heartache, the stress, the nerves, the anger, the frustration. The excitement, the hope, the joy, the pride

He’s Zangief with a palette swap.

It seems like he’s doing pretty OK for himself.

What, like LeBron and “the Decision” to sell out to the Heat?

Its obvious when you know what you re looking at

“Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine” - Lets just stop right here and take this one garbage of a sentence apart for fact checking.

I’m sorry, did I miss something here? Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine????? Last time I checked, it has been the capital of Israel since 1948. Never once was it the capital of Palestine. The Jordanians controlled the Eastern side from 48-67 but never Palestine.

So you support the death threats that they received for playing a soccer game?

You: “Murdered over 60 people”

Well, the Argentinians may not want to go to Israel but, well, Adolf Eichmann could tell you that doesn’t always mean you don’t make the trip eventually.

“Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine.” Kind of an odd sentence, absent attribution (considered by whom?), given that it’s currently the capital of Israel and is at the heart of the I-P dispute. Meanwhile, the status of the western part of Jerusalem isn’t in dispute, except to those who want the State of

Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine

I always thought Xena’s paradox was who was hotter, Lucy Lawless or Hudson Leick.  

Briefly, why do you need to resort to quantum mechanics and/or calculus to resolve it? If, pragmatically and objectively speaking, with quantifiable measurements, the arrow actually flies all the way from bow to target without being interrupted by some asshole Greek god who took a few too many hits off the bong and

Fire proofing is retardant.

Fire doesn’t melt steel beams.