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The moment when she got read for the absurd liar she is: Anderson doesn’t  say a thing, he just reflexively can’t stop laughing at her (though finally he blurts out, “This is so stupid!”). Anyone who hasn’t seen this, let this minute and a half brighten your day....

On second thought maybe Hillary Clinton would have made a better president. I have spoken.

if he thinks being president is hard on him, he should see what its doing to us.

um.....Lock Her Up?

That’s a fair statement. But you’re also running under the assumption that your trading partners have no options or leverage of their own.  

I like the nighthawk as well. That said, I recently installed a Mesh network for a client, and that’s it, I’m DONE with single routers like this. Mesh is by FAR the superior option :D

I like the nighthawk as well. That said, I recently installed a Mesh network for a client, and that’s it, I’m DONE

I concur. Buying this router was the best internet related decision I have ever made. At $100 dollars less than what I paid for it, it’s a you-must-buy kind of deal.

I concur. Buying this router was the best internet related decision I have ever made. At $100 dollars less than what

Couldn’t agree more. This router has literally changed my life. No more WiFi dead spots, no more troubleshooting random issues, no more rebooting my router to restore connectivity. In the year+ that I’ve had it, I haven’t reset it once.

Couldn’t agree more. This router has literally changed my life. No more WiFi dead spots, no more troubleshooting

Same, going on 2 years with the Nighthawk and haven’t restarted it once.

Same, going on 2 years with the Nighthawk and haven’t restarted it once.

It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.

“ glued construction paper and glitter all over an ‘88 Celica.”

Only in Florida. Yes the same Florida where a gator snatched a kid from disney world as prey.

Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.

I should have said “The Renegade isn’t bad according to my idiot redneck nephew who had one as a rental”. He’s also used to driving a Wrangler Unlimited, so it probably felt like a luxury car.

That article may have well been titled:

I was interested. You just have no attention span.

The Golf, Mini, and Fiesta ST I agree with. But how does the WRX, Miata, GT86/BRZ, and Mazda 3 not make that list?

That list is slightly redeemed by Jalopnik’s golden prodigy - the Fiesta ST.

After looking at that, I feel like I need to watch YouTube videos of bitchin’ burnouts n’shit.