
“We won”? What did Scott Baio win, again?

You must not be a young professional/weekend warrior then...

Elizabeth Warren just announced she’ll be on Senate Armed Services...

You should have stopped at “evidence” because your one example doesn’t negate the hundreds of other examples of a poorly-run campaign.


Am I the only one that places the blame on the shithead motorists driving too fast for conditions over the top of a hill?

“Sad!”—-Please correctly punctuate in future comments.

Let’s say I’m at Dome Depot next spring and get a yard of mulch in my bed. On the way home I get a flat. How do I access the spare tire without unloading my mulch onto the side of the highway?

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

I bet he has his chicken parm cut up for him before it gets to the table.

What color is that, Grabber Orange?*

You can’t be serious.

This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.

“Get Bill Gates in here!”

Buys $900 phone... shouldn’t have to buy a $12 cable.

I agree that we need opposition parties. I disagree that the current GOP is the way to go. In my wildest dreams the GOP takes the long view, and uses this as an opportunity. If they were to do everything they can to stab the rancid base in the back, if they can literally alienate them as hard as possible there’s a

It’s incredible how insecure Oregon fans are getting now that there is tangible reason to believe UW is ACTUALLY, FINALLY back on the up and up, and they are slowly relinquishing back into the mediocrity they belong in (see all time pac12 record, still under .500 even after a decade and a half of dominance...)

I may be one of the rare Washington alums who has nothing at all against Washington State Cougar fans. I am constantly impressed and amazed at the sincere dedication and rabid fandom toward your second choice of schools.