
I like different options and approaches, but I think that a lot of sorrow and horror and a lot of the same can he accomplished without the graphic violence.

Violence against women is a constant concern, especially as politically the Violence Against Women Act is pushed back against with all renewals. As someone whose wife LOVES DL and has had threats and violence from men, both ones she's been on dates with and married to before, alongside being stalked IRL by strangers,

Ah canna agree there.

Well, and Sylvia Horne, Becky, etc.


He's also potentially onto something greater, searching for the lodge entrance?

Yeah, he seems sincere.

"It's just hard for me to understand why Becky is tied to such a wholly pathetic loser"

They're going to protect him something fierce!

Seriously, I wouldn't let the Pizzagate crowd around any kids, even if they had their own.

I keep wanting to re-watch but I'm not sure if it's aged well. Pretty sure it hasn't…

"also it's a shame all those comment section thinkpieces about Lynch being misogynist and "going too far!" or whatever went up in smoke with Miriam crawling out of that bush. Whoops."

He's likeable in the Return! I hope he gets more opportunities to interact.


Has that been the case since they veered off from the books?

Yep, got the next one preordered.

"The idea that a person could be completely comfortable seeing imploded heads and domestic violence but would be upset by someone being fat is pretty appalling."

Phillip in Mexico?

And even beyond "accomplished", particular and exacting.