
The sound of the mill in every single episode drove me absolutely insane when I listened to it for the first time on DVD.

I thoroughly expected his "car" to be a fucking horse.

"Lynch's refusal to talk about the casting process"

Oh jesus, that'd be a thing for DoppelCoop to get on to…

"more contemporary technical artistry of True Detective"

Such violence ingrained in their culture and communities.

That rich actor who cried during an interview "Where was Da Gubbmint when I was on assistance?!"

"AN atheist BELIEVES in the non-existence of God."

"so is this show about gods anti-religion?"

Ginger minges existed quite a bit before Ginger Minj.

Are you new to this whole "insult" thing?

I'd rather see that shlock than "blockbuster" films.

"a rare and commendable trait"

Or hand you "treats" if you please them.

That just proves she can run with the boys!

Their mouth has nards!

"Hot Take: A shared universe of Universal Monsters isn't actually a bad idea at all."

It may not be hard to "cash in", but they're sure going to make some shitters, and I'm going to guess that they're not all going to be profitable.

Your body thetans are forcing you to say this.

" S.2 turned out to be a far more epic-scaled"