
Not enough stars to give... 

🎶 Pulling Muslims (from the Shell) 🎶

I can give you some reasoning behind it:

More like, “Name the only president of the United States to go to prison for actions taken while in office.”

Wow, now isn’t this a fun development! I’d been so curious how that idiot Perry would really be involved. Pretty deep, as it turns out. Also turns out that nobody in this entire Trump circle has any right to say SHIT about Hunter Biden. Hand-assembling foreign energy corporation boards & installing your own stooges

The other angle. 

Probably smells like a combination of Bryl Cream, Hawaiian Tropic dark suntan oil, and Ivanka’s cooter.

I honestly like Joe Biden and think he’s done a lot of hard, good work for this country. Obviously he’s made some mistaken that were EXTREMELY costly, but he isn’t a bad dude.

Before Oprah turned him into a pseudo-science shill, Dr. Oz performed open heart surgery on my grandmother and he was professional and didn’t say to splash leech blood and lemongrass concentrate on her wound.  

Oh man, Mitt Romney’s brow is gonna be SO FURROWED when he sees this.

This is the same calculated risk he keeps taking. If he is open in the public about it, he normalizes it for his base. And impeachment becomes less ‘right and wrong’ and more political.

My blood pressure is—normally—on the high end of “normal.” Occasionally it moves into pre-hypertension, and if I’m having a panic attack (which hasn’t happened for a couple of years now), it skyrockets.

The biggest contributing factor to my BP sitting where it does is a slightly too-large love of good beer. I’m at a

Wouldn’t it be wild if this whole “Trump presidency” thing was just one long episode of the country being Punk’d?

How about we just impeach Pelosi?

Steve Doocy used to be on the NBC channel here in DC years ago as the roving reporter of, usually, the goofy stories. even back then he was a “doofus”. Here is his “o” face for you.

The people of Staten Island need to elect a democratic DA to indict Pantaleo. There is no statute of limitations on murder and double jeopardy doesn't attach to a Grand Jury proceeding. 

Man I can’t wait to see the DSCC come after him with all the fury they bring against all of the AOC style challengers. I wonder who he’ll use since they’re going to freeze out any vendors or consultants who help primary Democrats. Because they're certainly going to do that here, and it's totally not just something to

OMG, I knew my “We can’t all be Neurotypical” tee shirt would prove prophetic some day. Seriously, though, how great is this!

That’s why Graves is the only one braying laughter at his stupid picking-up-trash joke.... She’s just staring at him like he’s a fucking moron, because he is. She doesn’t have that “automatic smile” problem that most girls and women are conditioned into by that age. Blessed be!

Fun fact: My hero Greta Thunberg has Aspberger’s syndrome (true story), which in this case she uses as a superpower, cause Greta has zero fux to give.