I can generally fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but I think that when the baby slept was generally a time for self-pleasure.
I can generally fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but I think that when the baby slept was generally a time for self-pleasure.
Does Nielsen have children? Have they been taken from her yet?
You are an American treasure, Libby. I'm so glad we stole you from our British oppressors, just as we did this great land.
I have quite a few conservative friends that are genuinely nice people to their friends and family. But I know that deep down, they are selfish and most of them are racist and bigoted, though they would deny it. Conservativism, at its core, is simply extreme selfishness.
Wow, I’m shocked at how high y’all put the upper limit! The correct answer is 60.
Better than Trump and better than you.
Is this Trump sucking his own dick?
Trying to block them from voting may be the best GOTV effort we could hope for. Come out and vote to say FUCK YOU to the people trying to stop you from voting!
Is he still in office? (I sprained my Google finger.)
Still no argument... because you have none. Just anger and vitriol. Sad.
You haven’t made an argument, just an insult. You are the problem with America.
She would've moved the Country and the world forward. Trump is hell bent on ruining America and is willing to take the rest of the world down with us. You, and everyone else, should've voted for Hillary.
That’s why they say hindsight is 20/20... Because we can see that Hillary lost after a ridiculously long and virulent primary attack against her by (not-a-Democrat) Bernie. He and his followers whined endlessly about the Democratic party favoring the Democratic candidate (who happened to be much more qualified) and…
Thanks Skank Hunt! I'll be happy to hunt with you any day!
Bush's death has ruined everything!
#AbolishAbolishICE and #JustMakeICENice
That’s a pretty infantile attitude. When given two bad choices, and you will definitely get one of them, you vote for the less bad. Not voting, or voting for someone who isn’t among the choices, is like a tantrum. Grow up and vote for the good of the country.
Actually, it is how "democracy" works in the US.
Found the Sanders/Trump/Russia supporter!
“I wanted Bernie Sanders to be president too, but when he lost the primaries, I didn’t vote for Trump, and I didn’t go running around telling everyone why Hillary sucks and how screwed we’d be if she won and so they shouldn’t vote for her.”