Why on earth was the confederate character named Yosemite Sam?!?!!! Yosemite has nothing to do with the south.
Why on earth was the confederate character named Yosemite Sam?!?!!! Yosemite has nothing to do with the south.
The foreskin is necessary for protection and lubrication. I wish I had one.
Corey Johnson is a genuinely good guy.
It seems like a cult. It's impossible to understand how so many people follow an obvious lunatic. He is simply the most effective cult leader in the history of the world. We need some hella good deprogrammers.
Come after me under what law? They publicly posed for a picture that they publicly posted. Additionally, it is newsworthy in today’s climate of hate, stoked by the president. Also, the picture is posted all over the place. It only took seconds to find it.
Wow, this was not the angle I expected! I thought this was going to be a feel-good article about how Gillibrand was still feeling the ramifications of calling on Franken to resign before the facts were fleshed out. I think her rapid call on Franken to resign also did damage to people with credible accusations, which…
Donald Trump said that throwing a rock is equivalent to firing a bullet. By that logic, launching tear gas is equivalent to firing a grenade. US forces literally fired across a border into another nation. If the incoming administration wants to look strong from day one, they should deploy Mexican troops to the border…
Donald Trump said that throwing a rock is equivalent to firing a bullet. By that logic, launching tear gas is equivalent to firing a grenade. US forces literally fired across a border into another nation. If the incoming administration wants to look strong from day one, they should deploy Mexican troops to the border…
Such a suit would be meritless, but would likely incur some legal expenses. I think they blur the faces because there would be people who feel badly for the people in the picture, which would equate to being bad publicity. They know that some of their viewers will feel sympathy for the guys in the picture, so they…
They choose to blur the faces because they feel badly for them because they are young and I guess should not face repercussions for public displays of racism until they’re in their twenties or something. There is no legal or moral reason to blur their faces and omit their names. This picture was taken in public and…
In America, you can publish information about minors. There are some rape shield laws for victims, but generally you're allowed to report news in the US.
The thing is, in America, you can publish information about minors.
I wonder if any of these kids' parents are going to sue the parent who took the picture and incited them to do the Trump salute. I'd be interested to hear the reactions of these Trump Youth to their new found fame.
So the administration is giving an order that is illegal on its face? Is anyone communicating with the troops to let them know that “just following orders” will not be a viable legal defense?
Protesters should have pictures of the 6 year olds that were torn to shreds at Sandy Hook. Oh, yeah, that's right, those pictures have never been released.
If they challenge ballots based on signatures, they’ll be going from lists of Democratic voters. They probably know the names of each of the voters whose votes are outstanding through Freedom of Information requests and have researched every voter. They also likely have copies of each signed absentee envelope and the…
Infuriating that the trigger-happy cop didn't face charges! Ya don't have to lock him up forever, but he killed a guy for no reason! Reckless at the very least.
Are there environmental/migratory concerns with laying miles of barbed wire across the wilderness?
I believe that American Indian is currently the preferred term. I used the word "Eskimo" the other day and immediately wondered if it's still acceptable.