
I very much wanted a lock like the one on my car, that unlocks by a touch of my fingertip if the fob is in my pocket. I researched and found that such a product exists, but then I read about how easy it is to subvert them with a signal amplifier.… I guess maybe I need to look into

I was planning on switching to T-mobile and thought their plans were all unlimited data. Now I’m concerned that even if I pay a premium for unlimited data, is it possible that such a plan would also include the throttling they do for “unlimited streaming” customers. I have a feeling that this is a job for Eric

Could you please exclude deals for that un-American Nazi Papa John? The pizza is garbage, so you're doing a disservice to your readers, in addition to promoting a racist sack of shit scumbag.

Could you please exclude deals for that un-American Nazi Papa John? The pizza is garbage, so you're doing a

Why aren't there ever any good guy shooters when and where we need them?

“This little #trumpghazi episode may have been nearly as inane and pointless as the Ballghazi scandal that has hounded Brady for nearly a full year.”

I'm just a human being and this story haunts me.

LOL... Californians can be as ignorant as Alabamans, Mississipians and Louisianans!

I wish there was a way to force or trick Detective Tommy Roberts to adopt and raise little vegetable Yocca to “adulthood”.

The new Prius WILL be cool, just like all its predecessors! :-P

I don't know which looks like a bigger jackass. Tom Brady has always looked like a big dumb twelve year old to me. I've never understood why the ladies seem to find him attractive, but I guess that's why I'm a hetero dude.

I disagree with any holiday display that doesn’t loudly and clearly proclaim, “Keep Santa in Christmas!!!”

I know... The punitive damages shouldn’t be painful to the offender, otherwise it could discourage them from exercising their freedom to arrest and terrorize brown children. Substantial damages would make it seem like they were being punished.

Yeah, no harm, no foul... This whole idea of carefully choosing the donor sperm, fuck them! If I took my car in to be painted and when I picked it up it was the wrong color, I should just suck it up and accept it because, after all, it was painted! There should be no penalty for incompetence, as long as the vendor

“You’re no better than Julio from Bronxville, driving a box truck full of week-old fish to TGI Friday’s in Times Square.”

“He cut taxes on the rich, did nothing to strengthen diplomacy, went to two wars, defunded numerous parts of the govt., appointed incompetent people to lead every govt. post except the military, and he de-regulated his ass off.”

Damn Social Justice Warriors! This would have been an easy conviction, but these damn SJW’s insist on making the police rely on actual evidence! Now this guy is going to get off with just a ticket for passing on the right! The cop should’ve just shot the driver and then the SJW’s video would be moot!

He should be given a lesser penalty because the league fucked up some totally unrelated punishment of another player?

I don’t like Goodell, but this article is crap! The balls were found to be under inflated after they had been inspected and deemed to be the proper weight. This is prima facie evidence of cheating. The person who most benefits from under inflated balls refuses to cooperate with the investigation. This isn’t a court of

Ugh! Even Jesus uses “whom” where He should use “who”!!!

Nice picture of Cuomo celebrating the budget with former Dem Klein, Republican Hannon and Disgraced Indicted Dem Silver. Does he not allow Senate Democratic Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins participate with the “four men in a room” because she’s a black woman? Or because he doesn’t want Democratic priorities reflected in