
Sometimes you go downtown and it's a stinky mess. My last partner kept herself up impeccably and I loved going down on her any time. My current partner keeps herself pretty clean, but she typically showers every other day and by evening it's not a great scene downtown. Not the easiest topic to broach with her. I

I'm not sure I understand your argument... Are you seriously saying that a motorcycle to the side of a car is less likely to be in the blind spot than a motorcycle directly behind a car? Or do you mean a motorcycle to the side of a vehicle and not using a lane is safer because a motorist changing lanes is more likely

Next Lifehacker tip: You can get around the requirement to stand in line and pay for merchandise by quickly putting the items in an inside jacket pocket. Most jackets have at least one inside pocket, and this trick has been found to work in most stores.

It's obvious that this article is click-bait, designed to get us to visit Jezebel for all of our Rape-gif needs!

Out of all the f'd up stuff I read on this site, I think that is the most shocking! That's more shocking than the guy that shot the 17yo girl next door for complaining about riding his lawnmower in her yard! It just defies all logic. Is ExxonMobil tax exempt too?

THE NFL IS TAX-FUCKING-EXEMPT?!?! WTF is that about?!?!

My main questions are, who is his daddy, and does he approve of his son's "career"?

Yup, my statement was based on the information I had at the time. As for Obamacare screwing you, I know that a lot of insurance companies raised rates on existing plans while creating equivalent but cheaper plans. This happened to my sister - her plan became very expensive, but when she contacted her insurer, she

You sound more like a Democrat - interested in pragmatic solutions to problems and opposed to elections being won or lost based on huge amounts of money, rather than the will of the people.

Like a boss... On a boat!