
My second choice...........Ford RS200.......lots of them.


Now playing

This is all wrong. This is how you play Dota 2.

Houston has that huge port...ya know..where all the natural gas and oil come in on this big floating things the rest of us call ships/tankers. Houston is also home to the refineries for those products as there is no point shipping/piping the stuff 1000 miles just to refine it. It is a sound and logical choice to put

I pitty people like little Joe. Most haters of states have never been to said state and most likely have never left the little town they grew up in. I bet Joe sent this from the same bedroom he's slept in for the last 27 years. Joe - America is big, awesome even. get out and explore it. You're welcome to visit

This has been, by far, my favorite thing in baseball for a while now. (I'm a Cubs fan.)

Wow, that's scary, just imagine if that had spilled into the stands and the fan got injured!!


Wait...look at his hands. One has up five fingers and the other is holding up two. Take away two from five and you get three. Two fingers, and three fingers. 23. Pella went on to lose 3-2. Reverse those. 23. Burger has six letters, King has 4. Subtract 4 from 6 and you're left with 2. He ordered 3 sandwiches

Unit #NCGMZ-3000: [lands perfect backflip]

Honey, I know that. But the pathologist in the story is suggesting the knife was placed there after her death, in which case the whole account about a sex game is called into question.

Honey, I believe he was talking about getting a dildo shoved up his ass.

SSNs are name after cities. SSNs being the non-nuclear Armageddon tubes. They were designed and built to hunt Soviet nuclear Armageddon tubes and SSNs, while our SSBNs (the ones that carry all the nuclear missiles) were named after states.

Greetings from Calgary, oil capital of Canada! The best thing about the oil companies is that they bring in money that people spend on really expensive cars. I see Ferrari's and Lamborghini's downtown, and there are always several AMG models in a typical mall parking lot. Hell, I saw a Ford GT at Wal-mart once, and

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

To compare Yuengling to those other 35 incarnations of stale urine is an insult to the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Hopefully you will celebrate Independence day by fucking off back to England.

He was immediately whistled for a shooting fowl.