Jared, might I tell you of this wonderful invention called a dehydrator, sodium [or potassium] nitrates for curing and self seasoning?
Jared, might I tell you of this wonderful invention called a dehydrator, sodium [or potassium] nitrates for curing and self seasoning?
Beef jerky should be the clear winner.
The 2015 has a 3.0 L twin turbo— 255 HP and 413 lb of torque.... Unless it is meaning twin scroll for one turbo. I thought it was two. I'll have to go look under the hood.
Really enjoying the 740 ld xdrive. Twin turbos of fun and crazy torque!
Pontiac Aztec. It too, followed the way of that civilization.
Looks like Klinefelter to me.
In other news, Albanians continue to masquerade as Italians.
I once had a dance party and potion exchange with the enemy team at the top rune in Dota 2. It was a blast, and so fun.
or pay 200M Yen, which is approximately $1,700USD.
Say I have a new 2015 740 ldx, could I pull off the same audio box swap?
Complete with rat tail!
Ugh I know. But there is progression thankfully.
Texas is to the USA what Bavaria is to Germany / Europe.
740x LD M class.
Sounds like you peaked early.
No one has taken Tesla up on its "open source" patents, but they don't need to inform Tesla.
I've been saying this to friends, its nice to have support. Especially from another chemically trained professional.