
Yoda - Tyrion,

I'm a man, and I will change my sheets at least every 3 weeks, or after any kind of bedtime activity.

Just walk around with a deck of post it notes that have +1 written on them. Hand them out as you see fit and you'll do just fine.

I'm glad, I hope the internet continues to bring us all closer together as the stream of information and shared experiences [from games, movies, tv shows] increases.

We'd really like to welcome you and get over all the crap that happens between our governments. I know I'm not alone in thinking this and look forward to the time when it will all work out beneficially for everyone.

Because we all know that World Star champions are born at Waffle House.

Rofl! Bravo to both.

Don't forget the chickens and livestock that are usually onboard as well!

Spirit, they fly you with the cows and chickens.

Neutral: Tired Of Being In The Grey? Do a text annotation reply to this article and explain what an ATS or Escalade Vsport model might be like and I'll try to "follow" you for Jalopnik so you're no longer in the review box.

I'm just waiting for the one American-o-phile Japanese person who imported a Cummins F350 to roll coal all over those deer with a subsequent Japanese imitation redneck "WHOOOOOOO!"

Cards against Humanity is also a great one.

Marshall will likely only take a momentary reprieve from the business. Then he'll be right back adder.

I'd like to point out that the twin engine variant is the F-22, and the single engine VTOL capable is the F-35.

This team of Swedes just won a Dota tournament for $300,000 USD Each. Apparently in order to get that good at video games you need to wear two hats.

I think its just dripping from being wet / overfill.

GM utilizes a "Blue Suit Crew" of exports to examine all cars before they roll out and Ford says it uses a new spray gun technology that takes microscopic scans with high-res cameras to ensure no imperfections big enough for the human eye to see appear.

To which the French most certainly would reply with "ta gueule"

Because 1 hat isn't enough, a beanie and a hoodie are definitely required.

Then Won Game 3 for Semifinal procurement.