
The problem is everyone not from Philly equates Pats Steaks with a Philly cheese steak and don't realize that almost no other (of the 1000's) place makes them that way. You have to special order cheese wiz. A real CS is made with American. Pats is crap and the author clearly went there and called it a day.

I was in love with him years ago. I can sadly tell you most anything about the man. What was the interview for? b/c of her financial woes or yoga or something?

They do. In fact he said in an article once that even their dogs had V names. His mother was the reason for it.

lol. Excellent comparison.

Outstanding idea. My first reaction was to get this dogs anus to the Vatican, but you just know they would hog all the ass for themselves. And this isn't like previous attempts with toast or oil stained overpasses. He's workin' it. He needs to reach the people!

So is this a case of "know your enemy" brought to life or are the french just so gay that even their homophobic seem parade ready?

I remember thinking after Rocks second stand up show on HBO, "How did this person suck so bad on SNL??" It's like they were two different people. B/c his stand up (first two specials) are perfection.

This is my favorite so far.

I saw Jennifer in an episode of "Medium" a long time ago and I was so taken with her. I remember checking her on IMDB to see if she was in anything but at the time she wasn't. So I was thrilled to see her break out.

lol. well said.

no. i mean yea, to your no.

Is that his girlfriend? He's a dreamboat. I want him alone till we cross paths.

Lol. What was that? A tank that ran over him? I had a car drive over my foot just 3 months ago and I limped for a day and there wasn't even bruising. And regarding your first comment, there was NO MOVING CAR. The engine wasn't even on. lol.

Interesting. I have so many friends who suffer "American Guilt" and I swear they hate us more than other countries even. So it's interesting to hear you say that.

I worked at a popular online place and a lot of people dress in what passes for pajamas b/c they can and b/c they're there crazy stretches of hours. I often came in at 3am in full flannel PJs.

She flubbed lines regularly, (like "later we'll be ta tabl twal talking to bris bris brian green"), she asked ridiculous questions and isn't good with "on the fly" responses. Sometimes it seems like she isn't even really paying attention to whats going on and then suddenly realizes the camera is on her. Two examples

Terrible interviewer. I could list examples but just from today... she's interviewing Matthew McConawhatever about his demographicless new movie about male strippers and she asks him if he'll ever play a stripper again and he says "no no..." and she says "oh good. good." and Matthew looks up at her and she realizes

It's a morning show. Hosts cry all the time. Especially when they're leaving. I wanted her out more than anyone I know but I thought all things considered she handled herself well.