
Make it dragons made out of tits, direwolves made out of labias, and basilisks made out of butts for diversity.

Of course! If we all die out, they can come and take our jobs! I bet the Gypsies set their plan in motion too!

Re: Charlotte and George
Margaret could have easily made the small leap for them splitting for good. Charlotte was very vocal about her dislike of committing to George with a contract, and Margaret was aware Charlotte was looking around when she asked to move back home. She assumed Charlotte finally broke it off for

Shappy or hapad?

Is he guest starring as Patchface?

Everyone's a shit heel, it's that for most of us, our filthy degeneracy has yet to be exposed.

Babies are all born white until the sun segregates them. If we kill the sun, we will be able to live in a post-racial world.

Take heart, one of your tumors will birth a child worthy of avenging you. Kung Fu will not have the Cancer or the AIDS for their own retribution.

Damn, I thought you said "Hammurabi's rules."

On some level, Dick Cheney's manipulating made Wyomingites seem far more Machiavellian than we actually are. On the other hand, he was born in Nebraska, and you can't trust those conniving corn-huskers. They grow their crop right up to your doorstep, and then harvest it and all your loved one's organs while they're

I have ground-breaking studies that prove that everyone who's ever had cancer was a junky. If they don't remember ever doing drugs, they should investigate what their loved ones are doing to them in their sleep. Just saying.

Jocko Homo was definitely about circle jerks. They probably didn't want to admit they were retreading old ground with Whip It.

I am heartened to hear you are dedicated enough to your job to not only
find solace in the bottom of the bottle, but that you so thoroughly flounder at your work that you secure employment of your fellow tradesman to clean up your messes. You are one of the job creators keeping your society afloat.

He can prove he's a "good one" if he executes five other lawyers.

How often do you give them permission to laugh?

I wish I could read his work, but the syntax of his sentences drives me up the wall. Oh well, my loss, somehow I'll get by with Gene Wolfe.

Does that fan theory claim that Hannibal has a fetish for coercing his patients to make horrible life choices? I could see Hannibal tricking Billy to try to become a woman to see the damage it does.

I wouldn't say they hate cock so much as being revolted by the rest of the body attached to it. Lesbians regularly implement phallac-like sex toys, but they want them wielded by their feminine partners.

I wear the sunglasses so I can stare for as long as I like, slowly undressing their bloated, open wound-strewn bodies.

When you get out into the Colorado boonies, you get the interesting critters like moths as big your hand, crane flies, camel crickets, and horse flies that find their way inside. That's not counting the bullsnakes in the walls keeping the mice infestation in check. On the plus side, if you feed the feral cats you get