
My Mema and Pepa died without ever knowing Trump's tax return. Their parents never knew, and backwards to the beginning of time. It is time to break the senseless cycle of ignorance, and let this generation die knowing his financial flim flams.

Speaking of penises, how does the tip to tip measurement work? Did they bisect their cocks and add the length of both halves together, effectively doubling their cock size? Are they shoving one cock deep into the the other's urethra and measuring the length of penetration, or are they measuring the gap between the

His like will plunge the world into a vale of tears. Look beyond, because there are many Cancer-AIDS in my Father's house.

He can always move to penzu and claim he keeps dreaming about football, politics, and his movie theater.

At least there's still Rifftrax if it ends up being a disappointment.

I thought the King of the North was a renaissance banker now. How can he be in space as well? Does this have something to do with warging and decapitation?

I blame his wife. While he's distracted, she could be clicking away at his keyboard, derailing the story into an Arya/Hound whirlwind romance where she gets bogged down in the slog of dividing campfires chores and the plants that benefit directly and indirectly from the mass slaughter of humans.

Hobbits have been in the show since Season 1. Rickon's real father is one of the Hobbits living in the crypts. He was caught pilfering the greenhouse for a third brunch by Caitlyn, and she forced him to rummage through her briar patch for his ingredients.

In my opinion, The Descent could have chugged along nicely as a spelunking venture gone wrong and I'd still be happy with the movie.

I don't enjoy Jimmy Fallon, but I agree. He needs to stop caring about being #1 and just do what he loves. There is an audience who wants it too. The time will come again when people don't want politics in their nap time show.

Those two arguing amazon echos was a great sequel.

You speak as if anyone of importance pays attention to the comment section.

That's very romantic. I hope their union is forever preserved in the mutual composition under the waves.

AV Club has been a shell of itself ever since the Box of Paperbacks Book Club petered off. Would Keith discover a hidden gem or slog through another lukewarm Sci Fi story? Either way, it was a delight if, for nothing else, the cover art.

We are the most devout and loved Christian nation the world has ever seen. Bleed any American, smear it onto spray-painted planks, and you got guaranteed tickets to heaven. No questions asked because close proximity to their virtue is THAT prestigious.

I think they would all love to live in their nature reserve of Florida. They can salinate the Everglades for a Dead Sea and barbecue pythons for Manna from Heaven.

He died on the operating table to save our future.

My Dad thought Richard Simmons was too swishy.

I think we have to first determine the caloric value of individual sperm, and then measure the quantity of them in the spunk being consumed. I'd suggest your friend release their batter into a measuring cup full of mercury and calculate the volume displacement.

Heathcliff is a bright spot among feline comics. Sorely underrated, he should be plastered on car windows and diapers, becoming another important god of the landfills.