
Did Ballard write it, or did he simply steal a story mailed to him to proofread by a young fan named David Cronenberg and tone down the protagonists using car crashes to remodel their body into the next evolutionary form of mankind?!

As I say, none of us understood the situation, but me and Caroline was considerably better off than the Trump, because he at last decided we was demons and only waiting for dark to steal the wits from his head; and while riding along he muttered prayers and incantations to bring us bad medicine, but so ran his luck…

But yet I still do. You must put for the effort and strive to expel me and my kind if you want your better world. A program to find and remove these undesirables following your well thought out criteria would need to be run by the government.

Things used cost money, and if you will not pay the money to keep in existence the things you are using, then you are a parasite on society and must be purges for the economy's intestinal tract by eating cigarettes.

It is unclear from the trailer if dicks were shot off, but I believe a supercop would use every opportunity to castrate the population with bullets as a preventative measure.

All of the internet is made of desperate goofballs screaming to be witnessed.

If you cross your eyes enough, you can see the scene being described. Like a Magic Eye.

I didn't understand half of what was going on until I read his earlier book, A Wild Sheep Chase, which bothered to explain the themes going on. He seems to expect everyone to be up to snuff on his bibliography.

Only Beta Ray Bill is fit enough to father a Beta Ray Bill.

I think the implication is his daughter killed her mother. Whether because she is a budding killer or because she was secretly using her mom to test her groundbreaking medical procedures without being informed of mommy's drug regiment… is for a different podcast.

Refuse a blowjob from cancer just once, and it dedicates itself to ruining your life.

Those jungle chieftons were going to execute them for dissent and trespassing until we swept them to the New World for reeducation at our therapeutic cardio retreats. Look how much they love Jesus now, they could be bleeding goats like Haitians. That's thanks to America.

Spoken like a dum dum! Your eyes aren't open until you spent three years in isolation meticulously over-analyzing every inch of your body and mind.

She's a marionette from The Puppet Masters that got thrown away and is now being used for diabolical ends by the Homeless.

So we only accept the immigrants who want to help us get drunk. Or feed us. The rest are rapists and parasites, else why would their homeland abort them onto our doorstep?

Lucky you. My nieces loved the god awful Caillou. No joy can be gleaned from that sorry sack of shit or his impressively stupid sister.

What forms of propulsion do each gender use to reach Earth? I think men have a distinct advantage in their opportunities to ride asteroids to the moon, but I'm hoping women's close proximity to the sun makes solar sails feasible for once.

I hope they get to have an orgy with Rasputin and Catherine the Great along the way. They need some perspective on their decision to shun the recognizable.

One minute, Robert Paulson was the warm center that the life of the
world crowded around, and the next moment, Robert Paulson was an object.
After the police shot, the amazing miracle of death.

Yeah. Well. Whatever. You can't teach God anything.