
I keep my aborted sperm in a sock under the desk.

The vomit is the defendant, the teleporter was the film crew, and the trophy was Romulan spies.

When you're on drugs, you're too distracted to notice that the weapon you're holding has hijacked your arm to go on a bloody killing spree. Every object you own is waiting for the chance to turn all the sugar-addled living thing trampling everywhere into calm, still, meditative objects for a little peace and quiet.

How much easier is it for you to get drunk/high at 5000 feet higher up?

Erections are the organs of empathy.

But she is! She's the universal cure for insomnia.

I like to think Trimp is a Shrimp Truck.

If being diseased means always getting to have arm candy like the middle right photo, then let us all partake in waves of biblical plagues.

It is ok. You don't have to like it, and I commend you on your tenacity to give it a fair shake. Time is precious and limited, better you seek out the entertainment that grabs you from the get-go. Go in peace.

The Mime can strip just fine. Male or female, their molesting of invisible objects will titillate the mourners.


The worst part of all this is, Millennial don't exist.

I'd always set it next to the sink and place a sopping wet rag in it right after cooking. The water dripped in the sink and when I was ready to clean, everything wipes off easy thanks to the very steam locking system this article condemns.

I hope he rants just like Van Alden. I can't not imagine him with that barely suppressed moral indignation.

Trump alone cannot make America Great Again. We must all do our part to jump on every seemingly-ridiculous lucrative opportunity because we all need to become the 1% if we're to pay for our new Golden Age. Preferably by gold-plating everything.

I always preferred John Elway's Quarterback because of the super fast receiver glitch. The only fun my sister had with any football game was doing laps around each other with the brokenly fast character, often until our showboating and taunting got us accidentally tackled with major loss of yardage.

I can't think of any project where James Woods hasn't fucked a TV. It's his maker's mark.

My nieces believe God and Jesus are swear words since that's the only time they hear them. Every time one of their children's books mentions them, the girls admonish the author for using bad words.

I hope there's a crossover with that Steve the Noob fellow. I am captivated by his dynamic posing for his diaries.

So the Mad King's inability to requite his love with Hodor drove him to the insanity of burning down King's Landing to distract/kill the officials while he raced to Winterfell and the arms of Hodor.