
Euron's got the Qarth Warlocks making his boat sail faster than any other in existence. They'd also be able to set up glamors like Melissandre, meaning multiple people can be pretending to be Daario when Euron is disposed of elsewhere. I could see the Warlocks begging to take turns being Daario to bed Danaerys out

Now I kind of want him to play Steve just once during when counseling the prisoners just to hear all the dated slurs.

Personally, Dark Souls three is the third return to the same setting. Bloodborne proved they could take a new setting, tweak the combat mechanics, and make an enjoyable game. That is probably From Software's strength.

One of Hethor's alien pets creates a panic by entering the passage in search of Severian, the animal guards crawling throughout the walls come out the quelch the disturbance, and all Severian + company sees is the panic of people that gets everyone separated.

Rereading Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun so I can maybe have a better idea about what the fuck is going on. I do think I know what happened in the Piteous Gate at the end of the first book. Probably wrong, but none of you can convince me otherwise.

A slut is a charitable individual who donates their genitals to the needy.

Not my fault friction burns are the most efficient means of squeezing out jelly. I have a very hectic schedule.

Ned warged into the statue of Baelor the Blessed. He's been hopping into every pigeon Arya's killed, both in a futile attempt to communicate with her and to ensure she doesn't starve to death. It's the only reason she can catch a meal at all.

That's Sansa Stark-Lannister-Bolton-Baratheon to you, mister.

Along the way, Blackfish and Gendry join with them as well, having wandered about aimlessly long enough for several seasons. Gendry gets to missing Arya, and she shows up in a boat with Yara, Theon's sister. After everyone makes moon eyes at each other and swaps love interests on-route to the Wall, they run into the

Every game is a finger dance. At least you get ten strikes before you've lost.

Science, I had your back
At least until I heard
You said dinosaurs had feathers
Like some big dumb fucking bird

Your friend must be a Mason.

How deep does David Lynch's fetish for lumberjacks go? Did he make Isabella Rossellini wear plaid and go to work felling his erection with a plastic saw?

And in 28 days later, the infected were ravenous berserkers, not zombies. Good luck trying explaining the minutia to anyone who hasn't played D&D.

Your the fingers!

Robb was the most like his mom. They really needed to never make a decision for themselves, and acquiesce to the choice provided by the other.

Dan Harmon really goofed when he didn't use a Mountain Goats song for Community's opening credits. Dino no doubt tried to steer him right, but that Harmon can be impossibly bull-headed.

In Westeros, the flu is composed of tiny grumpkins who practice their pyromania on your brain.

I pity anyone fucking my bitter crone of a mother. Nothing but blunt bile to grease their prick with. She even lopped her tits off a couple years ago, denying them that meager distraction as they monotonously hump her with a lackluster erection.