
I would like to see Timothy Olyphant in the role, because angry cowboy.

The politically correct term is mule.

Martin Short's brutal parodies would drive anyone to suicide. He always go too far in his vicious mockery of his marks.

Who needs art when you can print out memes and tape them to your wall?

Tower Topplers, amirite

It not YouTube's fault that authentic rappers are such a rare commodity online. It is also not YouTube's fault at the lack of black historical and cultural figures to pit in said rap. For the sake of authenticity, the video makers have no choice but to scrape together whatever white LARPers can theoretically carry a

I cannot watch ethnic shows because every time they talk, they sound as angry as krauts spouting Deutsch.

Lena Dunham would plaster herself prominently on the poster and appropriate the Eloise trappings to glorify herself. God, she is such an Antichrist.

Sleep deprivation is necessary to unlock the full horror of Fantastic Planet.

I like digging holes in the ground and I would outlaw prudishness of both genders. Obligatory orgies for some, breeding pits for others. Pits they frakked themselves.

Black, horned feet.

Black Fish and Jorah: From Grief to Lust

So which animals do you think can get onto the roof to eat the pizzas? Crows and ravens, sure. Squirrels, of course. But could a bear climb up there?

You have to settle because most doctors won't perform belly-button-to-orifice surgery.

Ned was traumatized by the butchering of the Targaryan children when Robert took the throne. He was wanted to avoid a repeat at all cost, so he picked up the idiot ball.

Ser, who poured boiled leather in your lobstered gauntlets?

Yes for Does any one else
No for Ever Go to the bathroom
Yes for Shit a rainbow brick
Yes for Staring at the sky
Yes for Seeing unicorns
No for Having sex

I am so glad he told me he was funny so I knew I should laugh and woop.

I hope her girlfriend is a Samoan lady. Phylicia looks like a snuggler to me.

Springfield is in Fordlandia.