
I wonder when printing presses will be all the rage. It offers more
tactile stimulation as you arrange the whole page, letter by letter,
giving your work far more intimacy. When you roll on the ink, the extra
moments to ponder what you constructed is akin to religious meditation
as you coax out hidden wisdoms you

The fault isn't the misappropriation of Real Dogs/Fake Paws, it's John Oliver highlighting this over any of the Supreme Court dubbings. He has set a dangerous trend where people will focus only on reinterpret court-based dramas to grasp fleeting airtime on his show. And as we all know, anyone in editing is a bigger

Her husband was a closet communist. When you spread your erection equally among your town's orifices, soft-but-firm is the most you can hope for.

No. I think theoretically, I'd like something signed by Frank Herbert, but practically whatever it was on I couldn't read or properly man handle since it'd be forever tainted by the collector's mentality. One day, it could appreciate. Or you can't replace it because he's dead.

My first impression was of Submachine.

An artist's moral purity always shines through in their work. An artist
weak enough to give in to vice transmit their hubris to their audience,
spreading plagues and epidemics of hedonism far and wide.

Why would we forget the genius who invented kitty pie, leading to the culinary revolution among Aboriginals to curb the invasive scourge through digestion?

I'm just happy people still read. While I don't touch Young Adult novels because 80% of the time I want the protagonists to die, I would never slander someone's choice to take on a story that even children can connect with and love. Keep the habit alive, maybe eventually people will come around to popularizing

No you're not. Disqus is selling off inactive accounts to spam bots. But please, tell us about the financial magic bullets you discovered since the last time you posted.

I am going to smoke her hookah with the Caterpillar, if you know what I mean.

Atlanta was a city, landlocked,

You're borrowing from mother earth, man. When you refuse to give it back, she swallows your house with a collapsed mine shaft, clear off your squatting ass with a flood, or instrument the collapse of your local economy.

Gordon knows The Magician is hiding there. Sink enough cities and we'll finally nail the bastard once and for all.

The box is a Gom Jabbar. The red is a stain warning that by will alone you'll set your movie in motion.

Watching the Le Carre British Miniseries recently, they really hold up after all these years. Having seen Alec Guinness's take on Smiley, I know why he disparaged Star Wars so much.

You reach inside the cloaca and squeeze the lumpy bits.

The way you typed it was essential to coaxing out the random giggles hiding inside my belly. You should clean up all his tweets, and every other comedians'.

When I hear, "not a real job," I think of them as a one-man laundering operation for criminal financing.

What's sad about it? She no longer has to see his ugly hairdo, there is no risk she'll force him to change, and he can focus his superior intellect on finding a cure. Are you saying she's crying because through their sex she learned he's incompetent at everything?