
It'd be more stinging if you asked him to perform Bro Rape.

I will always love this movie for casting Mike McShane. I loved him and everyone else on Whose Line is it Anyway. I cannot fault any production that gave him work, no matter how hackneyed the script is.

I was pretty isolated in Casper, Wyoming. Majority Whites, a scattering of Blacks, Hispanics, and Indians. Any Asians were foreign exchange students I'd maybe see once in passing in the hallways.

The funny thing about Megaton being too close is that I couldn't find it on my first play through. I knew it existed and was a magical place to sell all the junk I collected, but I whiffed it. After getting lost in the nearby ruins, I decided to follow one of the DLC quest markers to a riverboat I was convinced had

Jeff Noon's Vurt.

J.G. Ballard's Empire of the Sun should be done by Lustmord.

It must be debilitating to be constantly over-compensating for their tiny bodies and feminine features. Maybe science will make breakthroughs in growth hormones to cure their defects.

Weird Al apexed with Al TV. Damn MTV for cancelling it!

That's why she was one of the best.

Everyone who's watched Hidalgo understands that region inside and out. I suspect the writers are being contrarians in the vain hope of recognition through subterfuge.

So… all men want to surgically become beautiful women to enter a loving, sexual relationship with the machines that haunt their dreams?

Every person is an American waiting for the Dream to snatch them away from their traditions and loved ones.

You get what you give, that much is true.

They're British, so they're talking about nettles. Kids sting them in their eye to go on vision quests through the bog. You have to fall into a sink hole to find enlightenment.

You mean Mexico. It was Mexico all along.

Only when guys do it. When a woman holds the door open for me, she's trying to humiliate me by flaunting her masculine superiority. If I don't punch her, everyone will know I have neither the strength nor cunning to decipher the Riddle of the Door.

He's Jewish, he is part of the Chosen People. He can do no wrong as long as he eats kosher.

Yes, what street do I turn onto to get to Tiny Titty Town?

It's an artistic choice for all the characters of Jokamel.

Dungeons of Dredmor.