
No, you will include Jim Rash NOW.  And every intercut montage will involve only him in a different costume!  Penance must be immediate or else it is insincere!

Mother raping bestows privileges.

Common won, but by realizing he cheated Bohannon gets to keep his pride in being the better man. Everyone won and all is rainbows.

Mulattos commonly suffer from quantum leaps and teleport throughout their own lifespan.  The seriously wounded Common will pop up five years down the line to add drama since by then he and Bohannon are BFF.

Needed more Noonan. Hope his daughter gets him more screen time.

Ditto, although the bile is amusing, not offensive.  I think I'm just glad Phil isn't armchair psychoanalyzing or forcibly inserting stupid details about himself into the review, as is the trend among TV reviewers.

Genevieve Koski is the Minister of Propaganda for Sparkle Motion.

First they came for Terriers, and I said nothing because I was watching Cougar Town…

As long as the lights are dim, wigs are donned, and lipstick is smear on all our assholes, we'll pull off the illusion of a lesbian orgy.

House's point, that her parents screwed her up by not screwing her up, was really reaching.  If her dysfunction is to be blamed on anyone but herself,  it falls at the feet of society.  She succumbed to the peer pressure of being normal, and normal for her peers was having parents that were miserable and prone to

A poor choice, the children would better identify with Behind the Bell.

I wonder how much hair Nathan still has before he shaves it.  I think none, because I refuse to believe anyone can get that close of a shave on their skull. 

I thought the implication was the food they provided wouldn't sate her, so her and Patton would compete to see how many of the children they could eat.  It ends in a tie, so they turn on the hosts.  Tasha wins because all the men had a fetish to be vored.

I also prefer his Wild Sheep Chase to Wind up Bird, and I read Wind-up first.  Being an earlier work, it's easier to follow his train of thought in Sheep Chase as opposed to Wind-up, which assumes you are familiar with his work so he makes cognative leaps.

Now I do.  He's going to be more beloved than RuPaul.

Why they no fuck each other no more?  They made a promise.  :(

If it was about the morality of killing and eating, then the way to defeat the captain should have been to lure him into the mouths of the fish until they munch him to death.  You then take his place and pick off upstart fisherman until you, too, feed the fishies of the deep to keep the harvest high and the

What's the strategy for the final fight in Fisher Diver?  I get gutted quickly with maxed everything.  It takes too long to get back to the final fight without save points. 

The illustrations made those books.  Stephen Gammell is an unsung artistic genius.  The more abstract and irreverent to the story he went, like with Oh Susannah (…, the more effective he was at deeply unsettling me.

If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in your genes.