
Amen.  I must go through the week wondering how many in Walt's inner circle will die by season's end.  Won't take long for Gus to find out.

What kind of backwards world do you live in where you get less pleasure watching an American cowhick get lost in the Australian BDSM scene?

Mephisto, Daimon Hellstrom, or Dormammu? 

I am sorry, you are wrong.  This show is not a BG ripoff, it is a SeaQuest ripoff.

"What would you like to drink?"

I've met God across his long walnut desk with his diplomas hanging on the wall behind him, and God asks me, "Why?" Why did I cause so much pain? Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness? Can't I see how we're all manifestations of love?

The gardener had to be a nazi, because only a racist cares enough about purity to maintain a trampoline in pristine condition for its own sake. Others would be tempted to use it, wear it out over the years, until they were forced to get a new trampoline. One encircled with a net and foam covers over the springs.

Nabin's reign of rigmaroling through celebrity gossip has ended. Now is the age of Matos.

He grabbed her when when he told her he felt pain and she had to pry his hand off.

Ape Ma, if you're having trouble with you're and your, you can always stop using the contraction until you get a better grip of your. As for there and their, there is no easy way out. You'll just have to study harder at separating the possessive from the adverb.

It was House's inability to steady his jitters as he plunged the scalpel into his leg that was the worst for me.

Funky Jams
I do not like my beats crunchy. I want them crescent fresh.

I never touch Jet. I also never reload unless I die, so the high addiction rate with no chance of an antidote in Fallout 2 always put me off. I do find it amusing when carrying Jet, a junky in Den will attack you out of the blue and wail on you with their insane amount of AP.

Why would the Bene Tleilax be muslims? Muslim beliefs are prevalent throughout the Dune universe, including the Fremen. Tleilaxu would better fit corporations, who skirt the rules so long as they produce what the people want, all the while being cursed aloud.

I was under the impression that was her living her ancestor's memories of the Butlerian Jihad. I thought Leto was simultaneously breeding prescience invisibility while removing prescience itself.


It means you believe women have no personality and should be seen, never heard. When will you accept that she is a whole package and on the more appealing scale of pretty people? She is the fruits of your collective glorification of the photogenic, time to train yourself to giggle at her neo-feminist brand of

I'd love for a forensics show that has the team hamstring by a tight budget, forcing them into ingenious methods to solve both the method of death and keep their converted barn lab running. They'd only be right half the time because these aren't the best and brightest, but deeply flawed people who one way or another

Steve, admit you are a hack. A true commentator would have told us which SMB character they found dreamiest. A genuine gaming connoisseur would have noted SMB 2 USA is touted as a dream because elevating Peach from helpless damsel to shaper of her own fate fundamentally threatens the rules of masculinity propping up

@Charley One-Eye
John Landgraf, before marrying your clone did he have gender reassignment or do you just make him wear stockings?