
The Porn Parody series are lazy and boring. The Scrubs one didn't even have the JD/Turk threesome. It's all generic hetero sex with the thinnest veneer of the series being referenced.

@king of neons

The prospect of DVD sales and syndication overseas lends weight to your pleas, so by all means join in!

I can't wait until Haven and Hearth comes out of alpha… that game is superior to the glitchfest that is Minecraft.

You should be sorry. Why choose Hitler when Pol Pot better fits affable mass murderer.

It's not so much running as his disbelief the contest is over due to seeing a figure walking ahead of him. Despite being physically restrained and greeted by the revered figure of the General, he breaks free and refuses to end the walk.

Et Tu, Delilah?!

Where is Genevieve? They should be here, writing essays justifying their passion and swaying us into shame for being so flippant with our dismissals.

Is there any tv series that translated well to a comic? All the ones I can think of were done by Joss Whedon, and they were all dreadful.

Hunter Gathers
Now that he's the leader of OSI, I believe its finally time for him to be the woman he always wanted to be. Again.

The prostitutes were the only ones dosed with the spanish fly because of how badly Rusty and friends were striking out with them. That's why they all transformed.

@Writ Large

Sent my email out. I was even polite.

This episode was the hardest I ever laughed at the show. The suicidal carelessness of the Leonards was the peak for me, but I relished every minute.

I love and hate this game. It's tricky enough to work the brain that you're so satisfied when you finish. But then some levels like 37 leave me so frustrated I abandon the game. A walkthrough doesn't help ease to frustration.

Can't nostalgia without Sifl & Olly. Although they had the audacity to incorporate music into the show.

District 9 did have something new to say about racism. Like ethnicity is contagious to white people. They've spiked our antifreeze and cleaning fluids with melanin because if they can't be white, no one can.

I've seen a cat penis. My former cat was prone to erections all the time, in spite of being neutered. Then again, he did try to rape his brother one time…

What isn't played out?
Book Golems. Have to be in a college or book store because libraries are turning into ghost towns.

Excuse me ladies. You're scantily clad and have nothing to do with the narrative. Therefore, it's sexist. Sorry.