


I disagree Calvinist, I saw the movie first as early as 5 and rewatched it regularly. I didn't read the book until I was 18. The book adds so much depth and richness, I lost interest in the movie as an inferior product. I'll love the movie for pointing me to the books and Frank Herbert, but the book still holds its

I did not know the emmies were on and I feel nothing about missing them.

So Long, Oregon
Glad to see Fuck Oregon Trail isn't dead. Looks like they expanded the terrain and added shooting things, which can only help. The physics are trash and wonky, but that was part of the fun of the original as you rushed head long without stopping.

Vurt by Jeff Noon. This book I binged in a weekend, literally dropping my responsibilities and neglecting everyone around me to consume it. It was when I reread the first chapter a second time, the first being focused on trying to discern the jargon, that I fell in love. Deep throating feathers caught me

Fight Club was a love affair from the get go for me too. From Bob's Bitch Tits I was amazed. I remember how little it fit the trailer, which seemed like a mindless underground fight movie.

Whale of Noise
This thing is slow as fuck for me. It creeps along very slowly and then in one of the narrow passages, it rubber bands back to the beginning. I don't get the praise. Maybe there's buttons I can use that I don't know about because of the lack of directions.

I'm surprised to see this game here considering the policy of newer games. I remember playing it back in December, albeit that version had much more primitive graphics. I finished it to completion, but it's miserably hard and addicting. Never again.

@Clarification Mister
"Also, David Lynch's Twitter is surprisingly inane."

Of course Brits loved this movie. It's for the same reason Americans love Mr. Bean.

Well aren't you a faithful little consumer whore.

The robot could have totally drunk Andre under the giant. Cardboard is super absorbent, so the midget inside could binge and purge indefinitely, and none would be the wiser.

Whether coked up or not, Phil knew whores are ideal marriage material right behind illegal immigrants. Better to eat a bullet than admit that you failed your vow of eternal union by accepting divorce. She knew that too, so she arranged for them to receive counseling from the very best; St. Paul.

@Finger of Vecna

Zombie authors need to go through D&D Monster Manuals and pick out different undead, especially if they're trying to make zombies fit the whole spectrum.


Thanks to Nathan's explanation of Beyonce, I can now fully appreciate Beyonce: the Wrath of God.

I thought Modern Warfare was the season finale.